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Three excellent videos on the Covid vaccines (+ Ivermectin)

Hi @Evvy_dense

This is what NIST said to a question posed at a 9/11 presentation -
Q: why didn’t you test the site for the presence of explosives
NIST A: we didn’t look for explosives as we knew there wouldn’t be any there to find


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my understanding is as follows (for what it’s worth. LNP = lipid nanoparticle):

  • vaccine is injected into (the deltoid) muscle rather than intravenously, to keep it as localised as possible to the shoulder
  • LNPs fan out into the shoulder looking for cells to latch onto
  • LNPs enter into cells in the shoulder and deliver the mRNA payload. They are then expelled from the cells back into the body.
  • The LNPs then gradually move into some of the various body networks (bloodstream etc) where they are transported around the organs until they end up in the liver
  • Once in the liver they are broken down and finally excreted


  • inside the shoulder cells, the mRNA produces a modified spike protein (quite different in behaviour to that of the coronavirus, but similar in appearance)
  • this spike protein latches onto the cell and pushes through the membrane to stick out
  • the body’s immune system discovers these cells, and learns all about the spike protein thus making antibodies etc.
  • the mRNA inside the cell, having done it’s work, is destroyed inside the cell
  • the immune system then attacks the cell with the spike in it, breaking it up and sometimes releasing the broken spike protein (or pieces of it) to also go on and get broken down outside the cell (where Ogato can find them - by pushing the limit of what is actually detectable. The amounts discovered were truly miniscule)

End of (official) story. It’s not at all clear to me that the packaging sticks around the cells, especially as these cells are destined to be destroyed by the immune system. The packaging has to be dealt with in another way, and that’s what the study from Japan is looking at.


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from my reading of the biodistribution study, it’s because it was felt that the mechanism by which mRNA and the spike protein will be destroyed automatically by the body was well understood and they didn’t need to check it again.

" In addition, BNT162b2 [mRNA] is degraded by ribonucleases in the cells that have taken it up, [<snip…>] the S protein [spike] from BNT162b2 is expected to undergo proteolysis. [<snip…>] It was considered unnecessary to evaluate the metabolism and excretion of these components again"

(emphasis added)

Those processes were “understood”. It was only the fate of the LNPs that was not…


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Thanks @PontiusPrimate that is very helpful. I think a key issue is the extent to which the vaccine as a whole stays in the shoulder area and doesn’t fan out into the body’s circulatory systems

I have no idea how researchers keep the whole “vaccine” material, that is injected, localised as possible to the shoulder - the focus on fixing things in place has been on spike protein events after our cells produce the spike proteins .

Once the code is delivered into our cells the LNPs are expelled as you say and then seem to be able to go anywhere -
“The LNPs then gradually move into some of the various body networks (bloodstream etc) where they are transported around the organs until they end up in the liver”

  • so if the empty packaging can travel around all over the place before reaching the liver why doesn’t the fully loaded package have the same facility? Is there a limit to the whole drug’s ability to stay localised to the shoulder?



To be honest, I don’t know enough to answer your question. It might very well be the case that the vaccine doesn’t stay localised in the shoulder at all. Here’s a short excerpt from an article talking about this, which says that the vaccine is supposed to gradually get into the bloodstream anyway (so perhaps I’m completely wrong about that point…)

"Muscle is a bit of a Goldilocks tissue for doling out vaccines to our immune cells: not too slow, but not too fast either.

As well as providing a ready pool of dendritic cells, muscle acts as a “deposit”, where the vaccine can linger a while and be used over a longer period.

This allows for an extended immune system training session, Dr Groom says, which “is thought to result in maximal activation of the immune system”."

From CJ further up

" " The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine’s developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and — in “quite high concentrations” — in the ovaries."

(Emphasis added). One of the three in the video points out that platelets - widely featured in the reports of blood clots and thrombocytopenia from the vaccine - are made in the bone marrow.

Hi @Evvy_dense , that was a quote from the Defender’s author but is backed up in this quote directly from Bridle 10 days earlier:

“It was a grave mistake to believe the spike protein would not escape into the blood circulation, according to Bridle. “Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein — that the vaccine itself, plus the protein — gets into blood circulation,” he said.


This is beginning to sound like those proverbial angels and pinheads discussions! What’s scarcely possible to dispute by now is that - somehow, by whatever precise mechanism is eventually teased our and agreed - the poison-stabs are wreaking havoc in - already - millions of people, with deaths already in the scores of thousands, by official admission, and pretty certainly in the hundreds of thousands in reality. Already, several billion stabs have been conned into the over-trusting in many parts of the world (or so the official narrative asserts). So, many thousands of serious adverse effects is entirely credible.

Seems to me that this is the key issue here, rather than the precise mechanism of the poisoning. It’s not as if that’s crash-priority urgent-to-find knowledge (though we shall probably need some understanding of the mechanisms, to try to treat and help the poor suckers who’ve been damaged).

But we already know what to do to stop the carnage: Stop the stabs, entirely, since they’re - remember! - Unnecessary, Ineffectual, and Dangerous; drop the whole bloody silly pretence of a pandemic; face the feck up to the fact that we have been subjected to a deeply-criminal attempted international coup-d’etat (“Oh they’d NEVER do that, surely!!!” :roll_eyes: ), with thoroughly wicked aims behind it, and a whole bunch of guilty people who need to be outed, rounded up, and subject to a new Nurnberg tribunal trial for high crimes against humanity.

Yes it really is that bad. And yes they bloody-well WOULD do that, no problemo! You have to be living in a perpetual, a-historic present not to know that.

It’s the terror of facing up to this comfyworld-shattering reality that holds so many millions of the over-trusting Pampered Twenty Percenters in thrall to the Big Lie: Wide-asleep in the separate (still relatively pampered, for the time being) hypnotised reality of Terror-Tranceland…


Morning RG

I don’t think anyone is disagreeing that there is evidence of severe illness and death in some who get the vaccine. Certainly Dr Syed doesn’t minimise the negative results. The question that I’m currently interested in is what might be causing them? Some folks are saying that it’s the generated spike proteins that are the problem, but this feels very unlikely to me.

There is an active (dis)information war going on. From all sides. Picking through the various narratives is one of the things I’m trying to do, and the various claims and counter claims about the vaccine fall squarely into that.

One thing that seems clear is how beneficial Ivermectin is for covid as well as some vaccine side effects. This fact has a whole information war directed against it. Other features of the war are the lab leak etc etc.


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I agree Rhis, the focus is too narrow, there are other ways to arrive at the risk vastly exceeding benefits. Every emerging medical risk of the experimental vaccine will be wargamed by people in the system defending it. The main focus should be from the outside as it’s more of a level playing field.
Kersh and co point out that there is information to be mined in the VAERS despite it being voluntary. Comparison with flu vaccines for example, age-specific to ensure like with like. Nothing will be conclusive - just like Covid - because of who controls what reaches the wider public.

A case in point:

CDC Further Investigating Heart Inflammation Cases After Pfizer, Moderna Covid-19 Vaccination

"As of May 31, 2021, the VAERS had 789 reported cases of myocarditis or pericarditis in people after they’ve received doses of either the Pfizer/BioNTech or the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. Most (573) of these reports were from after the second dose. The median times to first noticing symptoms was three days after the first dose and two doses after the second dose, meaning that half of the time symptoms started within a few days of vaccination. Although there were reports of symptoms starting as far as 33 days after the first dose and 80 days after the second dose.

Over half (475) of the 789 reported cases have been among those 30 years and younger. However, so far, only 226 of the 475 cases have met the CDC working case definition, meaning that they indeed seemed to be legitimate cases of myocarditis or pericarditis after the vaccination event. Most (81%) of these cases have had a documented full recovery. The rest either have ongoing symptoms or currently lack follow-up information to determine what’s happened.

Of course, this still doesn’t mean that all 226 cases were caused by the vaccines. But the 226 is higher than the number of cases that you’d expect among this age group if you just account for other possible causes of myocarditis and pericarditis. As Paul A. Offit, MD, the Director of the Vaccine Education Center and a Professor at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, explained in the following video, a number of different viruses can cause myocarditis and many of these tend to circulate during the Spring:"
Link: CDC Further Investigating Heart Inflammation Cases After Pfizer, Moderna Covid-19 Vaccination

Warning - DOWNPLAYING IN PROGRESS - it could be other vaccines he says…apart from the timing in relation to the covid vaccine, that is…but “Dr Paul Offit” is or was the biggest name in vaccines!

Objectively it seems very hard to accept this sudden level of heart problems in young people does not merit at least a halt. But the vaccine has anointed political status - nothing can happen that will damage the faith, even zeal, that a year of intense propaganda has instilled in the population.

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I’m not sure if this has been posted.
Video where Kersch talks through VAERS comparison Covid experimental vaccine v Flu vaccines. May not be fully accurate in places as he’s been taking lessons from Malone who is expert.

Some scribbled highlights…

Says "Takes about 2 days for mRNA to be cranked out, after that no more SP produced but SP stays for about 28 days. Says that’s why Heart attacks, blood clots in brain, all happen within 1st 30 days.

Covid symptoms are all over the map - Drs have never seen such wide range of symptoms.

…Spike Protein enters your heart, damages endothelial cells, blood vessels and causes inflammation, this is why …clots in the heart and why heart attack rate is so large. Mentions we are injecting with S1…kids are having heart attacks. Kersch also says it was a mistake to leave in the PEG - it gets about more but made the vaccine less safe. The vehicle for the vaccine wasn’t tested on animals. We never even measured the amount of S1 sub unit protein that’s being produced because we didn’t use the real vaccine when we did the safety test. There are articles about that on trial site news.
Hope useful - can’t publish on Youtube, they say misinfo. You can talk to anyone who knows about mRNA vaccines, like RM and ask them why PEG was included, because it’s only going to help those nanops to enter parts of the body they shouldn’t be in.…I’m sure Chris Martenson can do a much better video than I can. I wanted to get the info out there. The point is these side effects shouldn’t be there. We should not be generating SP in any part of your body except your shoulder. There are more vaccine coming out that shouldn’t have this problem.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer I believe in vaccines I just think this particular vaccine was rushed to market. Not done with usual safety standards.

I hope you understand why these weird reactions are happening within 28(30?) days, that’s how long the SP is about for."

Some of this can be disputed like the whereabouts of the vaccine spike protein as per this discussion, but it boils down to where does the onus lie. It used to be safety first (my grandmother told me :slight_smile: ). The empirical evidence is strong enough to indicate the main thing should be to halt the vaccine if TPTB wish to debate the pinhead parameters.

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I just wanted to congratulate you on having prestigious comment #50! :wink:

Interesting data. I think that Dr Syed might be inviting Steve Kirsh onto his show soon to discuss all this (and Pierre Kory and Dr Marik). I’ll let you know if that happens


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As I’ve posted elsewhere (cut and paste job sourced from Matt Taibbi) Weinstein has been penalised by YT for the heretical Malone video…

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Probably 50/51 :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks for sharing your opportunity with me. Did you ask any other questions

That will be very interesting. Syed isn’t a bad sort. Kirsh is a bit of a newbie, I hope they’re all there together

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Hi @PontiusPrimate

I was watching the latest Highwire video and Del Bigtree 17minutes in linked back to a 17th June 2021 video where he featured Dr Roger Hodgkinson who I think was a Canadian pathologist who states very clearly that heart fibres are damaged by myocarditis and heart fibres never regenerate:


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I’m up to my ears in stuff at the moment, but I’ll have a read and get back to Dr Syed for comment when I have a mo. I did read your other piece on evidence too, which I thought was well said, just not had time to reply.


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Hi @PontiusPrimate , thanks.

When you get back to these issues, it’s worth listening to Malone ( Highwire interview ) on the lipid nps where he points out that these enable anything they contain to slip through the blood brain barrier and he points out that he knows of no tests on the impact the lipids themselves may have on the body, suggesting that the lipids themselves could be doing the damage found in various organs. He doesn’t repeat what he says on his discussion with Weinstein and Kirsche about expecting to see vaccine spikes at the location of the lipids, was this deliberately left out or what?



British antarctica is now on the ‘green list’ for travel (I kinda like penguins and ice in my drinks).

And they are now coming for our children with their experimental poison jabs.

It’s hard not to conclude that I now find myself living in a complete lunatic asylum.


Hi CJ.
Malone makes a good impression every time; he takes a second to formulate his thoughts before answering without reacting. In the Dark Horse video commenters pointed out he was the most expert there but spoke the least.
I agree he is very worth listening to. Your point about things being left out is interesting. I think he is in a difficult situation, assuming he doesn’t want to abandon his career (regulator, consultant and goodness knows what else) and FDA/CDC/Pharma connections; he said he’s already faced flak. From what he has already said, he could almost shoot down the whole vaccine/covid narrative if he wanted to.

He’s here with Tucker Carlson - who didn’t interrupt him - and though articulate as always, he is much more cautious; he doesn’t mention the Spike Protein at all, it’s distribution or the known risk areas he mentioned when along with Weinstein and Kersh. Instead he confines himself to general criticisms of a ‘structural problem’ of the CDC and it’s databases, and expresses a very conservative viewpoint about the inadvisability of pushing the vaccines on to children.

Also in the Dark Horse podcast he indicated the vaccine was based on gene therapy - a significant assertion, coming from an expert. But he didn’t drop that into the Carlson interview either.

Thanks @CJ1 I’ll have a listen soon. I’m coming to the (tentative) conclusion that the spike protein scare came about from some non medical folks possibly joining dots that the experts like Malone or Bridle didn’t join. Both those people seem concerned about the lipid nanoparticles, but I don’t think they went on to connect them to the spike protein (I may well be wrong). This would fit with the fact that Malone doesn’t make such a claim - Kirsh (not a medical expert) did.

I did do a bit more research several days back, and my feeling is that it makes more sense that the biodistribution study from Japan is looking at the lifecycle of the LNPs post payload delivery, particularly as they were studying only two specific pieces of the whole particle, and following their journey around the body separately i.e. once the LNP was already broken up. Perhaps I’ll say more on this when I get a bit more time.

As for the toxicity of the LNP, Malone could have a point, of course. It seems that a good portion of the LNPs are simply excreted without any processing required, through faeces, and the remainder get broken down by hydrolysis in the liver within a few days. Does it cause harm in the meantime would be the question. Incidentally it also seems that all traces of the S1 spike subunit, and all the other traces of the spike protein detected post vaccine are completely removed from the body within a couple of weeks (this was the Ogato study). So based on my reading so far, it would seem that both the LNP and the pieces of modified spike protein are dealt with and removed from the body fairly promptly, but of course there’s a lot more that needs to be studied. Not everyone’s body behaves the same after all, and we’re potentially looking at rolling out billions of doses…

I guess we just have to follow RGs advice and wait ‘n’ see what new studies uncover. God knows there are enough subjects to study out there!

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