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Saker: The situation is about to quickly escalate, probably in the next days


It seems to be going down exactly like the Saker predicted.

He continues with a lot of detail:


This war is still barely a day old. At the moment it looks like the Russians are taking out all Ukraine and associated NATO forces across the entire country (for the Russians this is like swotting a fly). I can’t see them even bothering to install a new government, because once western intervention is taken out of the equation the people of Ukraine will make up their own mind. Likewise, after the initial military action I can’t see the Russians occupying anything other than the Donbas region.

But who knows: this is war.

Oh, and by the way, this will probably mean the end of the European Union.

PepeE regards it as a global game-changer. As he says: the Empire is revealed to be naked:

Far be it from me to question anything that The Saker says and I agree with everything he has said there. But I think he mised one thing.

I still think that a NATO (Polish?) ground operation into the Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions is likely. Officially to “protect our allies and friends” but in reality with two goals:

  • Save face*
  • Establish a mini-Banderastan under Polish control in western Ukraine*
  • Feed the hyena of Europe*

I think the thing he missed is that the bankrupt west needs a war as cover for their financial misdeeds. See my post here.

I left a comment below this article. I fully expect it to be deleted without ever being seen on Saker. So - may as well copy it here. Just an example of how to deal affably with critiquing friends who’ve made an occasional embarrassing error:


Andrei is indeed spot-on right about so many things. But he HAS got the scamdemic thing - and the poison-stabs - disastrously wrong: a huge boo-boo. Covid is a somewhat worse than usual flu, no more than that, but psyched up criminally by the WEFoid plotters behind it; and the injections are both ineffectual and catastrophically dangerous: the more you take, the worse the danger.

Still, everyone’s allowed a few glaring errors. Saker blog is still one of the very best, overall, on the entire English-language internet. That’s why I keep visiting.

There you are, mods: something for you to delete! :slight_smile: But someone has to read it first; and the seed is sown…! Truth will grow, even when the soil is mistakenly over-mulched with the WEFoids lies. Do wake up about the covid scam, Saker folks! You’re making complete fools of yourselves over it. Always affectionately yours, despite this gaffe! :slight_smile: Cheers and hugs!


Perhaps my favorite parts are these:

Yesterday Putin gave a quite amazing (and short) press conference. Not only did he declare that Russia recognizes the LDNR Republics in their own, legal, borders (i.e. the full Donetsk and Lugansk regions), he also listed the four steps needed to be taken by the Ukraine to avoid a direct, unilateral, Russian action:

  • The Ukraine must recognize Crimea and Sevastopol as Russian territory
  • The Ukraine must officially renounce joining NATO
  • The Ukraine must negotiate a settlement with the LDNR Republics
  • The Ukraine must be demilitarized and declared neutral

AND especially this:

…the Russian Investigative Committee has declared that Russia knows, by name, all the folks who on the Ukie side gave orders to shell the LDNR. There are already over 400 criminal cases opened for warcrimes, including 85 top Ukronazi officials, beginning with Turchinov and his military commanders Galetei and Gritsenko, Arsen Avakov and their deputies Shevchuk, Dublian and Gerashchenko. The notorious ZioNazi oligarch Igor Kolomoiskii, the commanders of the Ukie air force and navy (or whatever is left of them by now), the Chief of the Ukie Airborne forces, the Commander of Ukie Special Forces, the main Urkonazi Dmitrii Iarosh and many many more Ukronazis are also on that list.

Can’t help wondering if Vlad is playing his allotted role in a grand theatrical presentation. No black cloak and waxed mustache, that would be corny. Joe Biden projecting the enfeebled “don’t push me too far” Rooster Cogburn white hat guy.

Exit Covi stage left, enter New Cold War stage right.

A war - even cold - needs at least two contenders. So against the Russia/China duopoly, who is their opponent?

Oh, that paper eagle over there is it, with its little paper bulldog on a string? THAT clearly neutered pair? With the own-foot shooters of EUistan staggering along behind, steadily bleeding out as they stagger, ‘lead’ by brain-dead Doltenberg?

Not really a fair contest, is it?

I have this inkling that the precipitous fall of the Ukraine to Russia will just be the dress rehearsal now to the imminent fall of the Anglozionist empire, over the next year or so. It’s getting the coup-de-grace right now from the cleansing of Ukraine; and from its after effects, as the world wakes up to just how helpless USuknato is proving to be when push does actually come to shove.

And we needn’t even open the Pandora’s Box of the Azies’ desperate economic plight, need we? (Think of the black seracs of all those derivatives!) As the Sergeant Major of my grammar school’s cadet boot-camp was wont to say “I’ve never seen shit piled so high…!”

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Amusing, but that yappy little cur does still influence a lot of people. In most cases, I’d suspect, the British branding of so much of the b.s. is the red flag that alerts them it is exactly that: b.s. But the Amerikkkan$ (the Blue State Amerikkkan$ that is) do love all that pomp and ceremony and tradition and castles and weird hats and all that.

Yappy little curs do tend to yelp, loudly and at high pitch, when the ancient old wolfhound decides he has had enough and bares his fangs after years of forebearance.