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'Propaganda as livestock management' (and TLN's ambivalence about covid)

Here’s a very interesting post on TLN:


The poster (Ian M) does not mention the covid jab at all, but the analogy is lurking beneath the surface. Perhaps the guy is acutely aware of the analogy but is carefully not making the connection because he does not want to acquire the kind of reputation that gets you banned from that site.

There’s a weird air on that site because, on the one hand, they support the state-corporate agenda of jabbing everyone and they criticise (or, in keeping with the infantilism prevalent there, ridicule) people who oppose that, but, on the other, when the occasional thread does get into the debate about covid jabs (and/or ‘vaccines’ in general), it will typically become one the busiest, most vibrant threads, that stands out from the other predominantly bland stale threads. So it’s like they all jump at the opportunity to vent about ‘vaccines’ (compared to the other pedestrian threads which, in essence, simply make the bland observation that there is much propaganda in the media, e.g. about Russia) but, at the same time, are loathe to question the agenda.

The mentality on TLN reminds me of the ‘Greens’. They support the jabbing agenda but, out of consideration of the virtue quotient they think they possess, feel some obligation to voice their polite discomfort over the level of coercion that goes with it. That’s like the timid greens, who support green capitalism but, out of consideration of their virtue quotient, feel some obligation to express reservations about the ‘capitalism’ bit of ‘green capitalism’.

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It’s a well told story, whatever lies behind it, and the comment quoting Orwell is very apt. Some abbatoirs used, may still use, a Judas Goat who leads the sheep from their pen to the place where they get strung on the conveyor.

Reminds me of the Jordan Henderson painting, I’ll insert it at the end.

The same can be said of so many formerly credible blocs. Whole swathes of anarchists for example.

I saw a news story recently about the leak of the very rare first album by Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Their usual political perspective is way off to the left of the Overton Window but it seems maybe not anymore as the story said the leaked album was being made available via the usual streaming services except Spotify. I took this to mean they were making some virtuous point but maybe it was the news source that emphasised that, not the spokesperson.

One more quick factoid: the original version was only ‘released’ as a limited edition of 33 cassettes. Why that number? The cover art might be part of the same in-joke.


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Notice how those ‘Principles For Building Trust’ which Ian quotes are all about manipulating feelings. The idea of finding the objective truth, telling it honestly, letting people see for themselves whether that’s what you’re doing or not, and then leaving them to make a free choice on the strength of established facts, doesn’t even get a look in.

Seems to me that Ian is saying as plainly as you’re allowed to on the Bovril Boat that the poison-stab push is an arrant scam, obviously treating people like cattle - which worldview is clearly the settled one of the ruling ‘elite’ towards the common citizens, just as Alex Thompson describes, in the Fuellmich ‘Grand Jury’ videos, having observed it himself as an already established habit of thought in the speech and behaviour amongst his fellow public-school pupils when at Rugby. Precisely the attitude which the technocrat class has displayed in their foisting of the poison-stabs onto us all during the scamdemic. Largely useful-idiots themselves, I daresay, in that they too have bought into the scam-narrative sincerely. But still regarding the average non-technocrat citizens as not-reason-capable cattle, to be manipulated into what’s best for them - even if they can’t understand that.

I don’t visit the Bovril Boat any more, except when prompted by links like this one. But I wonder whether the subdued response to Ian’s initiative in that thread is a sign that the rabid cult-inductees who were so vocal there a year ago are quietly waking up to the realisation that they’ve been duped - and quite possibly poisoned - because of their utter suckering by precisely the manipulation techniques which Ian quietly lays out. Lots of formerly thus-manipulated suckers do seem to be waking up slowly to this underlying reality…

God, what a shit-show this whole damned scam has been!

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