5 Filters

One year anniversary of 5-Filters

We don’t…end the WiFi culture…promote both communal and individual Ethernet use…it’ll be a huge re-education programme but if we don’t start now when will it happen?..They stomp through your house with not so much as by-your-leave…I didn’t invite signal into my home…!!! We need to be up to this…

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You’re right and individually we can do a lot. But there are limits. I never order & pay online, but it does affect me as others I’m having a beer with do. So the first 15-20 minutes at a table are spent on phones (except for me). In this sense I mean we have to bear it, even if you actively refuse. I suppose I could drop these friends…

Also, if one wants to travel (both me and my wife’s family are abroad) it’s impossible not to be stuck in this online world, especially from this island. And if you don’t have a smartphone, you’ll be given an ipad at the airport to fill in the details. Again one can opt out of travelling abroad…

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Challenge them…do you really want this life for you and your kids? Think of the peace! An Ethernet only society is hardly a return to smoke-signals #SpeckledJim