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Oliver Stone - South of the Border

for @Poster123


Great, many thanks ! :slight_smile:

Watched it today; sad to consider how each of those leader & their countries were subsequently successfully undermined back into servicing the interests of the US rather than their own people; nice quote about Bush admitting/boasting that the US only get rich through waging war.

Nice to see how people felt at ease in Stone’s presence.

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Yes, he had a talent for making his interviewees comfortable. He got so much flak for making this film…

I agree that it’s sad to see Chavez, Morales, Lula etc. basically neutralised (& or dead) and the vampire squid of US corporate interests sucking the blood out of Latin America one again…

In Bolivia it’s playing it right in front of our eyes

We need more Chavez’s… Is take one here in the UK too!



Abrams being candid; every day that Maduro remains in power is another day that US companies like Chevron can’t get their hands on Venezuela’s oil.

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