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Media Lens 'climate change', vs Daily Skeptic, somewhat of a poll of 5F posters

“I have seen that paper and even referred to it above as his single unreviewed, unpublished contribution”

Isn’t that just dismissing it?
He’s put it to his opponents from the roof tops - whose fault is it that they have ignored it?

The ‘political agenda’ accusation is levelled at all counter-current academics. Otherwise known as flak. How can it not be political :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway definitely done this time! Cheers

Steady on there old friend :wink:

Perhaps a specific example of some of Rancourt’s nonsense will come again on 5F (very likely) and we can all enjoy tearing it to pieces.

For now and in this thread he’s already taken up too much space in my head.

Ok. No more about Rancourt. If you want a final go at how clever/honest/hard done by he is, be my guest. Perhaps with

this one simple trick, we will demolish the whole science of climate change

But I doubt it.

Over and out

Since this has been discussed ‘judiciously, as you will’…fwiw, here’s my thruppence.

With good reason I don’t believe a single word that cascades like toxic excrement from TPTB – whenever I sense another top-down proclamation from the psychopathic cabal my first instinct is to ask, ‘in which way are they trying hem us in now – what is their endgame – how many of us are they looking to destroy this time’? If you need any explanation about what those ‘good reasons’ might be, then I say, ‘you’re simply not paying attention…your slumber is deep…try to wake up’.

It seems clear enough here that this so-called ‘climate crisis’ is another elite-driven scheme to hammer us. I’m quite aghast at some of the credulity on display in this thread. Seemingly a number of folk actually believe that TPTB have our best interests at heart – some serious Stockholm Syndrome affliction on display it seems. I will refuse to buy any arguments along the lines, ‘but our elected officials are just being responsible and responding to “the science” that good “scientists” have shown them’. I just don’t accept it for a moment – with good reason. It’s as though the elite screeching about trying to save the planet for the good of humanandanimalkind and future generations is not the same elite that has driven us towards, and kept us in a state of permanent war for at least the last few hundred years - - consider that – consider the grotesquery of their incessant lazy casus belli and the blatant lying they deploy to hasten more war – consider the untold millions of people forced to endure the unremitting misery of the elite’s confected war - consider the carnage of the untold millions of people murdered in the elite’s war - - consider the marginalisation of the anti-war movement – consider the myriad desperate voices pleading down the decades for an end to war…to absolutely no avail - - consider the millions taking to streets worldwide in an attempt to avert the Iraq invasion to no avail – consider how TPTB said they’d learned lessons after the Iraq war – consider how ‘perpetual war’ was announced thereafter and it became apparent that the ‘lessons learned’ amounted to TPTB conducting their war in a more stealthy manner, that is, no real discussion, just more covert tactics and the increased use of the vilest of proxies - - - consider that on Thursday 17 March, 2011 TPTB grasping of UNSC res 1973 (imposition of a no-fly zone – obvious ‘mission-creep to regime change) , and then recall that 2 days later on Saturday 19 March, 2011 TPTB rained-down 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles on Libya - - no discussion in Parliament, just a mad dash to war – then consider UN res 2202 (full implementation of the Minsk Agreements) of 17 February, 2015, and remember how the Minsk Agreements went MIA – almost wholly ignored in the West – certainly no pressure placed on Kiev (that’s Key Ev) to cease its slaughter in the East, because that res didn’t suit nor further their psychopathic plan.

Why all the above about war? Here’s why: war and its consequences are evident – we know the cost – we know the unutterable misery war brings in the immediate term, and we know that war leaves industrial levels of death, squalor and suffering in its filthy wake. Yet still we have war – lots of it – ‘perpetual war’. We know that the drivers of war are the drivers of the faux concern about a ‘climate crisis’ – the ‘climate crisis’ is just another war on people – but they’ve dressed it in the guise of a concern for humanandanimalkind – yes, that’s right, TPTB want you to believe that they are concerned about your wellbeing…and some folk actually buy it!!

It’s of a piece with the transgender issue. Consider again the extraordinary lengths that groups of people have gone to down the decades to bring about that most desirous of states: ‘World Peace’. To absolutely nil effect – we’re no nearer to achieving ‘world peace’ than ever we have been – ‘world peace’ merely remains a fantasy, an impossible dream – simply trite wishful utterances one might expect to hear from the lips of Miss World contestants. Yet in a matter of a few short years we have the transgender issue playing loud in every board room at every level seemingly everywhere on Earth - - from the lowliest of local library discussion fora to the highest and most ‘exalted’ offices worldwide the transgender issue is used to pummel people in every walk of life in an unremitting attempt to force acceptance of the most profound of nonsensical unscientific claims.

Rant-like true. Backed by gatekeeping documents peer-reviewed papers – no sorry, there’s barely any institutions remaining in which I would place an iota of trust.


Kit Knightley, speaking in an interview with SAfrican ‘Jerm’ of ‘Jerm Warfare’ - which is on offer on Off-G right now - mentions a rule-of-thumb which he applies whenever any new wave of alleged ‘matters of urgent immediate concern’ begins to sweep across the short attention-span of the mediawhores/pocket-pols.

Any time that starts, Kit asks: “Why this? Why now?” On the oft-justified assumption that this new panic-de-jour is an indicator that the powers that shouldn’t be are floating a new current scam, as a trial balloon, to observe how the plebs react, Kit’s approach seems to be profitable. There’s virtually always some convincing motive-to-manipulate to be dug out, when you look sceptically.

It’s a salutary method of consideration. And it applies to the climate-shift alarums too.

Fwiw, my guesstimate - and that’s all it is, because I just don’t believe, despite all the ultra-nitty-gritty analysis in this and similar threads, that there is ANY genuinely-unquestionable certainty to be had about what’s happening with the climate - my guesstimate is that the ‘cool it with the climate hysteria’ brigade will probably turn out to have a basic good point;

but -

as we’re heading into a time where multiple current trends pretty well guarantee a whole lot of (inherently-UNpredictable-in-detail) upheavals, it’s quite possible, maybe even probable, that some kind of climate disruptions will be part of the brew. But that’s all we’ve got, once the obdurate-position thumping is discounted, as it deserves to be… a probability guesstimate.

Complex indeterminate systems cannot be predicted, in detail, with cast iron certainty. It’s an intellectual indulgence to pretend that they can. It’s in the same rational category as trying to predict which atom exactly will blow next, in an actively-decaying sample of radio-active material: not possible - in principle.

And I guess I should pitch my flag on another matter much handled on this thread: I don’t believe that Rancourt is a shill, a charlatan, a fraud, etc. I judge that he asks legitimate questions, and shows legitimate reasons to be doubtful. Not to be dismissed with hectic emotion.


Hi Rhis

Is anyone on 5F disagreeing with this oft repeated truism?

Sadly Kit has zero credibility on scientific issues - might as well rely on the Daily Express. Unfortunately, in my opinion, Rancourt is just as bad. There’s no way he could be so wrong about so many things by accident.

I would say Kit Knightley’s statements refer to the distinction between science (the actual science) vs ‘Science’ (the brand, representing whatever commercial interests), which we’ve discussed before Rhis. People like Knightley who may not be scientists but who have observed the role of politics in science (‘Science’) know that good science performed on fiddled data or facts that are spun out of shape, doesn’t produce sound results.

I think genuine scientists know this too I’m sure, but many who are steeped in the system are blind to the politics and would rather deny there is any politics to be considered than have to deal with the ongoing reality of its presence, and the challenges of acknowledging it (one of which could be being out of a job, or likely ridicule and flak).


Wasnt it kit who strongly refused to accept the efficacy of ivermectin because he refused to believe that covid actually existed? That no one was dying and there was no pandemic? Wasnt it also kit who didn’t actually believe that viruses exist? I seem to remember him making both those points.

Not someone I would go to for my scientific info…



Well, P, KitK may yet prove to be right about the non-existence of viruses; that controversy has re-surfaced as a result of the covid swindle. Notwithstanding the huge investment, both monetary, intellectual and careerwise, which thousands of people have in believing in them, there remain some serious questions about the current orthodoxy. The objections floated by Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, the Baileys, and others can’t just be ignored away: A matter still to be settled, it seems.

And anything which returns the - by now fairly widely accepted - infection-fatality rate of less than half a percentage point can scarcely be called a - real - pandemic (so much as a huge con erected on an oddly-unusual flu which seems to be a bit nastier than the average, in its fierceness - and its death rate).

I’d score that as one win for Kit, one draw, and one miss. About standard or better for the average dissident journalist (and as for mediawhores…!)

Sure, his output should be taken with a pinch of salt; but whose shouldn’t…? :slight_smile:


So he didnt believe that viruses exist and he didnt believe covid exists and he advocated against life saving medication. For those who were dying.

And this is the guy to believe on scientific matters?

As I have said zero credibility…

I understand your statement that complex systems are hard to accurately forecast, but Kit is on another planet of BS when it comes to scientific matters.

Ai yai yai…


P, the viruses thing is legitimate. It’s OK for any journalist to point out that it’s in contention. It IS! I stand in a state of being uncertain myself about whether virus theory belongs with phlogiston and the geo-centric solar system, in the discard bin of the history of science. It seems that that may be so. And if it is, and if it gets acknowledged to be so, my god, think of the red-faced gobbling and scurrying about which the gocos of the virus establishment are going to do, as that happens. :rofl:

And I’d point out that - amongst others - the careful testimony-takers and evidence-sifters at Reiner Fuellmich’s tribunal have concluded that - quoting Reiner - there was no pandemic. I think that that too is a legitimate assertion, which history - I suspect - is going to prove correct.

But yes, there is a strange, horrible and sometimes lethal flu about: seized and blown up criminally out of all proportion by shysters on the make. And yes, ivermectin, though not the best treatment (that’s C!) has proven both harmless and helpful.

It seems to me that none of the above disqualifies Kit as a legitimate journalistic commentator, doing what a real journalist should do - and getting things wrong sometimes, as happens.

I too treat Kit, and some of the Off-G stances, with a large pinch of salt. But you can’t just write them off. Warts and all, they house some good stuff, and make a vital contribution to the urgently-needed dissident real journalism for our utterly corrupt times.

As a further example of Kit getting things wrong, he states in the Jerm interview that there is no population overshoot - another wrong-headed editorial stance that the Off-G crew espouse - and cites currently falling fertility rates (in SOME countries!) as ‘proof’. But that canard can be seen instantly as the error that it is, when you consider that in any overshoot episode, the time when birth-rate drops begin to appear is one of the standard, late-in-the-game processes which actually brings about the spontaneous Gaian resolution of the episode: Yes, Kit, the rates are falling! That’s what happens in an authentic overshoot, towards its latter half. Hello!

From his public-school accent, and one or two other straws in the wind, I get the intuition that Kit will turn out to be one of those children of the privileged classes - you can name several more, can’t you P? - who start young adulthood as renegades; often embracing troskyism, for example, but who slip right back into the reactionary-privilege attitudes of their class, thoroughly imbibed in childhood, as they age. (The name ‘Hitchens’ springs to mind…)

Quite likely, I suspect, that Kit will go that trajectory. Yet still, his present-day journalism is worthwhile. Just treat him - and everyone else! - as inherently thin ice, and don’t ever put too much weight on any of them… :slight_smile:


PS: My hunch is that Kit and colleagues embrace the ‘no population overshoot’ error because - unscientifically, and in particular, un-numerately - they’re charmed by Matthew Ehret’s delusional cornucopianism. Not quite as bleakly ridiculous as the Kurzweil/Hariri startrekkytechietechie, growth’n’PROGRESS!forever technonarcissim delusion, perhaps, but still as laughable; a different version of growth’n’PROGRESS!forever, in fact. God, we do love our delusions, don’t we! (Note to self: be constantly aware of that fact, sunshine…!) :rofl:

PPS: I seem to have invented a new acute-left doctrine, called ‘troskyism’. Not to be confused with trotskyism, of course…

Hi @CJ1

I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings. I do apologise, and I’ll change my tone. I was letting my frustration.show at having to answer the same points ove and over.

I hope that you do re-read what I’ve said. I think you’ll find that I’ve answered your questions and your concerns regarding the material points many many many times.


PS ive deleted the post. Cheers


Hi Pontius

Well where did I suggest going to Kit Knightley for science. I think you’ve skipped past my main point which was about the politics that may be behind certain science.

We all need to locate scientists that seem credible but the public interface is becoming increasingly political. If for example, you think all the science pure and is free of politics then you will be misled on many areas. I don’t know Knightley or for that matter, OffGuardian very well but it seems to me they investigate the politics of the science. That seems to me their main use but their science judgements are more of a leap and I’d suggest if someone has a handle on the politics then rather than stick with their conclusions on the science, they should switch to investigating the science that they have found is being ignored. Bad science politics is a guide to when the science might be wrong or overwrought. To me, trying to follow the path of politics-aware science is the most likely to reach science conclusions that are liable to stand up to objective scrutiny. Cheers


Hi @PontiusPrimate , thanks for your kind reply I am notorious for getting on people’s nerves so no problems.
I will try and make sure my opinions are backed up by some precedents and let people know when its just intuition!


PS I’ve deleted my response to the one you deleted, cheers.


Let’s hear nothing said against intuition! ( :slight_smile: ) Not in this psi-deficient culture: a seriously underestimated - and un-understood - part of our natural capabilities…

But yeah - has to be used with disciplined care, though, to not be tripped up by wishful thinking.

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the response i’ve made to Kit Knightley and Off Guardian is this: Didier Raoult and Peter McCullough and other doctors who were actually faced with extremely sick patients, developed new treatment protocols based on cheap repurposed drugs along with vitamins an antibiotics. These doctors have proven their courage and dedication to healing They are also top researchers with hundreds of peer reviewed articles. NONE of these doctors disagree with the consensus that covid is NOT the flu. McCullough has stated clearly that Covid is not the flu, that Covid symptoms are NOT the same as flu symptoms, especially when Covid gets to the stage of putting someone’s life in danger.

Well, you catch my basic arguement. I always included McCullough’s into to his protocol, which states clearly that Covid is not the flu.

Off guardian’s response was that I was ‘arguing from authority’, which is true, but authorities are used in court cases, so it’s not an unheard of way of getting to the truth.

So, frankly I think Off Guardian, if they really wanted to discuss the issue, would deal with the reality of great doctors and researchers, proven mavericks when need arises, agree that Covid is real and is NOT the flu.


Well something’s going around now. I have three old personal friends who are all down right now with something approximating a rather nasty, and unseasonal, Summer cold; so they describe it, as they recover at home, without unusual treatments.

And the mediawhores are harping on just now about ‘sharp rises in cases of covid’ (identified how exactly, I wonder; simply by media declaration…?).

All my encounters with it, whether as recipient or collector of anecdotes from my direct personal circle, suggest that it seems pretty fluey - though with some atypical extra nastiness. Though, to be precise, it never affected me, in my vitamin-soused state, like a real illness at all; more like just an increase in tired laziness for three days. The second encounter, around the omicron-panic time, was no more than a fleeting overnight buzziness, then gone. Ditto two neighbours of mine, from whom I imagine I got it.

OTOH, my friends - all of whom admit to at least one poison-stab - are having an unpleasant, though by no stretch hospitalisable or life-threatening, illness.

I think I’m becoming a fully-fledged anti-vaxer… (ALL vaccines).


Well said, @Everyman, I couldn’t agree more. I would simply say that there is a difference between “arguing from authority” and quoting experts who have done many repeated experiments and trials. Quoting an expert who says “In my opinion, xyz is the truth” is a very different proposition to quoting an expert who says “I’ve treated 500 people with this regimen and 4 out of 5 got better”.

To call the second an “argument from authority” simply illustrates how closed minded Kit and the OffG team have become.



Hey Rhis, very strange to see that post. I’m just getting over a ‘three day flu’ of some kind, here in the south of france, beautiful weather, i’m a healthy man, ok I don’t eat perfectly healthy but i do eat. generally i try and get rid of an approaching paunch but sometimes i buy a tub of ice cream and eat it all at once, maybe that brought on my illness

well getting around to that illness, today is saturday, a friend told me last sunday she was down with the flu, fever, aches, and then she was over it but on tuesday night it started hitting me, here are the symptoms: intense body aches, fever, NO headache, NO stopped up nose, but very intense painful SORE THROAT, i mean it felt like a treble hook was down my esophogas and being slowly pulled up.

i was never incapacitated, though i did stay in bed reading Sea People, about the polynesian triangle and its occupation by humans, and the iliad, in french. as an aside let me say that the Iliad is the most explicit violence you’ll ever read, line after line of ‘the point of his lance entered the nape of his opponent’s neck (he neames them all, by the way, which reduces the anonomyity of war) and came out of his mouth, severing the tongue at its root and breaking through his teeth and as he fell his eyes turned to shadows’.

anyway, I’m almost over it, but it was nasty, very nasty, i took aspirin vitamin c, i had one ivermectin i took it yesterday, vitamin D, though i had a sore throat in the middle of the night i feel basically done with it now.

my question, wtf is this? a summer flu? ‘going around’? my friend who also got it says they are putting in the ac systems to up the case numbers, again seeing more and more masks here, and they’re talking about bringing back the vaxx pass…anyway add me to your list, very strange!


My current guesstimate of what’s going on goes like this:

Start from the cautious assumption that we still don’t know with any absolute confidence whether ‘virus theory’ is sound, or one of those theses of yesteryear which is now scheduled for history’s discard bin.

But - we do know, with increasing confidence now, that various factions of the world’s powers-that-shouldn’t-be have been tinkering secretly with any possibly-pandemicable pathogens that they can find (even including, FFS!, samples recovered from long-dead corpses frozen in the Arctic, in search of the pandemics of the past).

The purpose - obviously - being to find manageable, putatively-viral disease vectors (preferably racially-targetted!) which can be used as weapons of mass destruction.

Recently, somewhere - my current guesses being in the Ukraine, or in Fort Detrick, or just maybe under the control of a US-comprador Chinese researcher in China - but in any case all under USAmerican control, some sort of respiratory, rather flu-like nasty was developed, as the gics’ tame mengeles have been trying to do for some time.

It may be that this was field-tested on unwitting Africans, to get a better idea of how it performs en masse. Gates and others seem to have been up to that in Africa; and Gates is now persona non grata in India for precisely that sort of shenanigan played on inadequately informed tribal girls.

Some time in the past five or so years, a secret decision was taken by some clique of footloose globalist gics to give this pathogen a larger-scale tryout, with full-on propaganda rail-roading by all the obedient Western mediawhores and pocket-pols, to see how it would work out on that scale. And at the same time, a big windfall of loot for the BPh crooks could be scammed. And also another quite different but equally-promising disease vector could be secretly tried out, in the form of injecting huge numbers of carefully-deluded human guinea-pigs with experimental pathogenic proteins that seem to have the property of sterilising victims, and also bringing about a range of delayed sequelae illnesses - cancers, heart-failures, etc. - that could have a ‘useful’ - but plausibly-deniable - culling effect.

This all sounds like a wild cospithirry, I know. But lately it’s started to feel less like that, and more like a sober probable truth about the depths of villainy to which the demonic component in the human demon/angel siamese-twin can sink - quite easily, in fact. The events of the past two-plus years have made that consternated realisation creep into the minds of a lot more people.

So - the mengeled illness which is now loose in the world has some flu-like characteristics, but it seems to be atypical of flus: a bit fiercer, with variant symptoms, but essentially, in its IFR, not much worse than average flus - less than half a percentage point, apparently. But a quasi-flu, moreover, which nevertheless enables a massive dishonest experiment with injectable population-reduction drugs; which also yield a tidy profit in passing too.

What’s not to like, for a demonic gic?

I put this up as just a possible scenario, with no more certainty than that. Ten years ago, I know it would have been ridiculed as overheated imagination, even in the alt-thinking communities. Now, though, after recent experiences, not so much…

One saving aspect of this whole vast con seems to be that this pathogen - whatever it is - is just as susceptible as any other to being endemicised into an annoying, but minor, recurring nuisance of normal life, which is nevertheless still no match for a fully-functional, vigorous natural immune system. Something, btw, which the poison-stabs seem to be able to disable, to some degree; normal, natural immune systems, I mean. Hence the increased susceptibility to covid which the stabbees, especially the multiply-stabbed, are manifesting.

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