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Media Lens 'climate change', vs Daily Skeptic, somewhat of a poll of 5F posters

Well, in a way, as Rhis says, we will, whether we like it or not, probably have to do with much less anyway due to all sorts of limits being reached. Better to embrace the inevitable. But interesting point you mention about valuing the natural world as a valuable thing in itself. I quite agree; it seems to me our world has become increasingly reliable on technology to “tame” nature but actually to our own the detriment in many ways. This guy puts it very well I think:


An excerpt:

"There is another, perhaps more subtle, problem with our technological habit: the relentless replacement of human functionality by technology. Natural abilities that we share with other animals, things like movement, regulation of body heat, muscle strength, stamina, maintenance of health, and survival in the wild are being lost through lack of use. Instead we rely on motorized transport to get around, on clothing and climate control to keep us warm and cool, on power tools to do anything that involves the application of force, and on medicine to keep us alive. We preempt the interaction of the skin with sunlight, insects, microbes, and sweat by covering it in all kinds of creams and lotions. We wear shoes so our feet don’t have to do anything. Working with the hands has come to mean pressing buttons, our eyes are mostly focussed on screens, knowledge acquisition comes courtesy of a corporate newsfeed, and general problem solving skills have largely disappeared thanks to hierarchical human organization and division of labour."

The reaction to Covid:is part of this too:

“Under the banner of “the new normal” we see an acceleration of this process. Practices that would have been deemed outlandish a mere two years ago are now regarded as normal. Respiration is the most basic and critically important function of any organism, yet we cover our airways with patches of fabric, voluntarily and under coercion. We douse our hands in toxic chemicals because we fear the skin as much as we fear the breath. …”


Not strictly a reply, but just a carefully reasoned entry to the debate (I prefer scam to debate, but don’t want to inflame the situation). To take just one short paragraph from this paper, “It is a long tale, but well worth following. No one who reads it will ever again trust the IPCC or the “scientists” [my emphasis] and environmental extremists who author its climate assessments.”


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Monckton isn’t perhaps the best source to cite for sober assessments of climate-shift evidence. Witness the foam-flecked tone of his ‘Conclusion’.

Still, to my mind - even though I’m not deeply tutored in all the details of the climate discussion - the fact of the MWP, with appreciably higher mean global temperatures than now, adds on to the alarming DECREASE in atmospheric CO2 right up until modern times, as ideas to give us pause.

Monckton doesn’t mention any of the other complicating factors, which don’t fit his tirade, of course. But there is the fact of the current population-overshoot episode; the fact that it’s happened in exact, tightly-coordinated lockstep with our increasing per-capita energy demand in recent centuries; nor the fact of the looming crisis of the Long Descent. And then there’s the fact - pretty well established as a sound truth, as Pontius points out - that CO2 concentrations shadow mean global temperatures pretty reliably. You simply can’t have those processes going on - release of masses of sequestered CO2, and rapid using up of non-renewable ‘resources’ - without them having a vast, destructive effect on human society. The global ecosystem will be well able to deal with their effects, as it has so often in the past (Mam Gaia, the “tough bitch” as Lynn Margulis unforgettably described her). But as PP points out, they pretty well guarantee a crash of civilisation.

We could go on. But that’s enough in itself to put Monckton in perspective: as partisan and evidence cherry-picking as those he castigates. He - and that fat dick Lawson whom he cites - are not credible witnesses.

Though still, there are some awkward facts here and there in his rants. Awkward for the Chicken Little ‘We’re all gonna die!’ addicts anyway. It IS a crisis, it will create some havoc. But the basic fact remains: we simply can’t predict in detail its precise details, nor precisely how bad it will get. Bad enough, in any case…


Hi folks, just reading Monckton’s long summary of the work of Steve McIntyre and Professor Ross McKitrick (I’m not going to even try and fight my way through the original source, its a bit too technical for me!) I come away with a strong "Covid Science " feeling - something is definitely seriously wrong with our international and national bodies whether on health, geopolitics, genocide, or climate change! There are too many clear examples of proof of the Mediaeval Warm Period which has been smoothed away by “Science” and clear evidence of fraud when it comes to the hockey stick. The comment on biofuels and its impact on food production and starvation is particularly apt.
The summary paper was written 14 years ago and yet I have never seen this before - probably that’s my lack of attention - but has it seen the inside of any MSM report on climate change since, and has it been scientifically rebutted or supported?

Thanks @PatB for the link.

@RhisiartGwilym, I don’t see evidence of cherry picking but then maybe you have been following this more closely - however these people and organisations all have form as we are beginning to see - despite the citing of Lawson ( who I agree is arrogance personified) the bureaucratic manipulation of the paper trail is pretty damning and fits well with the WHO modus operandi. Lie and Lie and Lie again, always double down! We really must follow the money trail!



First, thanks for all the responses, definitely a lot of responses I tend to agree with, even those that contradict each other, strange as that may seem.

The Mt Etna meme indeed seems false, though the climate change promoters do agree it emits a lot of CO2 and thus we skeptics can multiply Etna by hundreds if not thousands of active volcanoes, some underwater, and how much CO2 is that?

But really that’s not the point. As many if not most have pointed out, if there is in fact anthropomorphic climate change, that reality is being used in nefarious ways by the Gangsters in Charge, as Rhis calls them.

Here’s my current ‘representation of reality’:

  1. one current goal of elites, however defined, is a return to the historical ‘norm’ of slavery, but of course a modern form of slavery.

  2. the other current goal of elites is ‘transhumanism’ which the slaves will help bring into existence, for elite life extension, eternal youth, using high tech medicine. This because it is currently deemed ‘possible’.

  3. the ‘left’, as I said before, have proven themselves the handmaiden of the elite drive for a return of slavery

  4. the vast majority of doctors and scientists have proven themselves, undeniably, as enemies of the people and privileged elite servants. Obedience from this group is key for the elite reach their goals.

  5. It goes without saying that the state/corporate media serves as a tool for the elite to reach their goals.

  6. All ‘good things’ will be perverted for the elite to reach their goals. By this I mean the normal concern for a healthy environment, the normal concern for the weak and defenseless. All will be perverted. Thus ‘climate change’ is a perversion of our normal and quite obvious concern for living healthy in a healthy world.

  7. The elite, after more than a century of marxist analysis, are themselves quite self conciously class concious, and they have intellectual servants to help them. That means THEY are operating from a refined class analysis of the situation and using all the tools of digital control, manipulation, surveillance etc to advance their interests.

  8. Thus, whatever the truth about ‘climate change’, one must ask, does it really matter, in terms of slavery? Note the constant utter hypocrisy of various leaders and servants, with private jets, huge yachts, beachfront homes. THEY are not worried in fact.

  9. the so-called ‘long descent’ COULD come, but what if instead we have a LONG STASIS based on renewed world wide slave economies and a transhumanist overclass who live progressively longer and longer, so Henry Kissinger is still addressing meetings in 2050? A transhumanist overclass will completely change the way our world operates. THEY will need a LOT of energy and a LOT of protection and a LOT of slaves to maintain their transhumanist life force.

  10. Thus for me, all analysis of war, environment, media, that does NOT include the twinned issues transhumanism and slavery is basically worthless. It gets us nowhere. The enemy we face is an elite whose goal is to enslave us in order that they may extend their life and constantly ‘rejuvenate’, defeating both old age and death.


It looks to me deliberately ridiculous. Same class of propaganda as the one swastika at the Ottawa trucker convoy, “Trump said to drink bleach!”, “…since I had my booster my cellphone signal has got so much better…”, and so many more.

Get a few dumb extremists to repost the meme then flak chuck: “…those NRA antiabortionist tankies actually believe this crap ROTFLMAO”. It’s a tactic refined by several years of analysing Reddit and Twitter, if not their raison d’etre.


Spot on @RobG:

… how can you believe anything you’re told? Governments and the media are all totally corrupt, bought and paid for by big corporations. […] I would guess that all you can do is trust your own senses.

See the Kalama Sutta. I can’t recall the exact context but I think kalama is a generic word for a teacher (the ‘lama’ part). This text is often misquoted and leveraged into memes, often with a picture of Budai, or a Hindu deity, or even Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka iirc


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That looks worth a deeper dive, thanks @PontiusPrimate

I prefer the word Renunciation (nekkhamma) to Relinquishment but I’m splitting hairs. Nekkhamma is one of the ten perfections (parami) - meaning it’s something worth practising, so too e.g. morality and patience.

Renouncing everything is of course neither possible nor desirable.

The thrust of the Deep Adaptation website looks quite close to the teachings of Joanna Macy



Everyman, notice the idea that we’ve been throwing about on this thread: that the upcoming geophysical changes - unpredictable in detail, but likely to be severe - are civilisation-crashers.

And then consider that the whole transhumanism nonsense hinges on being able to keep running a level of techie-techie as great as we suffer now, or even fantasised by its fanciers to get worse yet.

As shortages of everything, and fracturing supply chains begin to shake society to pieces, do you expect the techno-narcissist gics to be able to continue with their absolutely hitech-dependent transhumanism dreams? I don’t.

As for slavery, that’s always one of their perennial dreams too; but not one they’ve ever been able to inflict, everywhere at once and completely, at any time. If you imagine a struggling human society that is steadily reverting to eighteenth-century (or earlier) levels of available resources - and available technologies - there’s no visible suggestion that future generations of gics will be able to inflict their enslavement fantasies on the rest of us any better than they’ve been able to so far. People always fight back eventually, and throw off the tyrannies of the psychopaths.

So for those two problems: I see no chance for the necessary technological underpinning for transhumanism to continue, except in the fetid never-to-be-realised sci-fi imaginings of such as Hariri. And I see the enslavement impulse being met and thrown back again and again, with occasional pitchfork-and-lamppost festivals thrown in, by the usual resistance that rears up perennially.

Meanwhile, there’s still the immediate, practical question: what does each of us do to prepare as best we can for the Interesting Times that are now on us, and show no signs of going away any time soon? (My seminarette on dead-easy turf-grown potatoes will be up as soon as I can organise some pictures… :slight_smile: )


I’m not sure that you got the point of this paper. Foam-flecked or not, it was based on one single issue of manipulation of the real data to suit the IPCC’s agenda. On this single issue, I would say he is bang on. Much like the plandemic, every ‘scientist’ who relies on research grants or government employment, is so tainted that anything that supports the NWO agenda has to be treated with the disdain that it deserves. The climate crisis is real because the IPCC says so, but with ‘global warming’ morphing into ‘climate change’ (my experience is it’s getting cooler) is it really real?


Indeed I do, in fact, keeping in mind the linkage between slavery and transhumanism and elite power, I see happening now the combined message of ‘you must limit your energy consumption in every way, including transport/food/living space but WE the ELITE are entitled to private jets, state banquets served by masked slaves, and ever bigger mansions and yachts’.

Rhis we must face reality: TRANSHUMANISM is the elite agenda now. The ‘covid pandemic’ was a huge clinical TRANSHUMANIST clinical trial that gathered billions and billions of bio-data bits which are being STUDIED and the experimental HumanMiceSheep are still providing real time info. The ELITE are greedy for our biodata in order to advance their TRANSHUMANIST agenda which requires biodata but also requires surveillance and more surveillance and more data used for behavior modification. They are NOT telling us the REAL REASONS they are doing all this crazy shit. But once you accept that the goal is TRANSHUMANISM and Slavery then it all makes sense.

A google subsidiary, in Dec 2019, just before the fake pandemic, successfully modeled the folding of a protein, whose folding, at that time, was unknown to the google researchers. Look it up. The modeling of protein folding is a GIANT step in the direction of transhumanism, because it allows research targeting of specific proteins to find the ones that are likely to be of use for anti aging and rejuvenation.

Recently published in France a book by a top govt researcher Jean-Marc Lemaïtre here in Montpellier, whose title says it all: Guérir la vieillesse, Cure Old Age. Look it up.

That’s how they are selling the program to the plebes. The cover shows…Aphrodite Rising from the Foam by Boticcelli. Get the message?

Meanwhile at the Jubillee in the UK they push the agenda:

"The Duke of Cambridge was speaking during the Our Green Planet part of the Platinum Party at the Palace.

Noting that his grandmother has been “alive for nearly a century”, he said that “decades of making the case for taking better care of our world has meant that environmental issues are now at the top of the global agenda”."

‘Environmental Issues’ is the cover story for Transhumanism and Slavery.

This ‘dream’ of ‘long decline’ ignores in my opinion what is currently happening. Once you translate everything into the drive for Transhumanism and Slavery it all makes sense. Exactly why does Bill Gates buy so much farmland? Why does the WEF want us to eat insects? Why does every govt now talk about digital central banks?

With new advances in genetic manipulation such as CRISPR, new advances in organ growing, and transplants, larger and larger biodata databases constantly researched using AI and Machine Learning Tools, the Pharoah’s dream of eternal life built on the back of slaves, the KEY ELITE DREAM for 5000 years, proven again and again, that is becoming, in their minds POSSIBLE. To reach that dream they know they must ENSLAVE us again, destroy our family life, our community, even our nation states. No resistance will be allowed. They have an agenda, we must wake up to what they are doing before it’s too late. The covid restrictions were just one little taste of what they have in store for us.


Hey, do ya’ll think Media Lens will study this article for media analysis?

"The Duke of Cambridge was speaking during the Our Green Planet part of the Platinum Party at the Palace.

Noting that his grandmother has been “alive for nearly a century”, he said that “decades of making the case for taking better care of our world has meant that environmental issues are now at the top of the global agenda”."

Wow, the Elite are SO concerned about "Environmental Issues’ they included it in the big jubilee for the woman-whose-head-should-be-guillitined-in-a-just-world’

Isn’t is time we in the resistance began automatically translating ‘Environment Issues Agenda’ into ‘the Agenda for Elite Transhumanism and Enslavement for the Non elite’???

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PS @RhisiartGwilym I too feel “foam-flecked” and these days quite regularly. :wink: :wink:

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Steady E! If you can survive another twenty years, watch and see whether the Long Descent is a dream or not. It’s already happening, and will be unmistakable by then - especially the energy crunch.

I’ve no doubt the psychopaths would like to inflict all those silly dreams on us; but they’re just not going to have the means. Things are falling apart. You can’t chase techie-techie dreams when your means of doing hitech jiggery-pokery are disintegrating. I just can’t see the Technosphere, in Dmitry Orlov’s meaning of the word, being able to continue as it would like to, exactly in the direction which you outline with such alarm; not with these forces majeures bearing down on it, completely beyond human control, whatever delusions-de-jour we may hallucinate.

Don’t let that free-floating anxiety, which Mattian Desmet describes so cogently, knock you off your trolley, E. Just wait and see. That nightmare is not going to get very far before it’s swept away by events. Meanwhile, prepare for times that go exactly in the opposite direction to the one the gics fantasise. Plenty of us will survive and carry on, with luck - and preparation… :slight_smile:

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“Hey, do ya’ll think Media Lens will study this article for media analys”

They might…
Media Lens worked out years ago that the main obstacle to positive change was the mainstream media. While activists see examples for themselves every day, the Davids are rare in identifying and focussing on the media as being the main problem, controlling or limiting the thoughts and aspirations of the majority and burying or sanitising the actions of the powerful. They have also approached the issue more systematically.
They don’t cover science (at least not medical science), though at least one is a scientist. This is perhaps unfortunate as the politics of science isn’t hard to access. It would be right up their street. But at least, unlike many, they haven’t simply accepted the consensus that is claimed by the media to exist on covid, or like many on the left (Chomsky for example) hitched a ride on it to open up new targets, completely unfairly. I give them credit for that. On being mostly quiet on Covid they aren’t doing any harm. In point of fact, I am grateful to them, and wouldn’t criticize them for what they don’t do.
I can understand any reluctance to get immersed in covid (and science generally) it might be daunting. It could take years for them to write with such a level of assurance on science - criticizing scientists - as they do on politics. It’s also possible that opening up a second major front would damage their platform as media critics. And it certainly would eat up chunks of their existing time.
Having said that, I know where you are coming from Everyman - I still wish they would get involved!

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Hi all

It’s been a while since I’ve seen Monckton used as a source of cimate info. Unfortunately he is 100% unreliable and cannot be trusted for a second on the subject. Almost everything he has ever writting on the subject (including this long paper on the supposed fraud of the hockey-stick chart) is plain wrong.

The hockey stick graph has been demonstrated to be true many times since the original paper, using different data sources, all reaching the same conclusion. Monckton has no real clue what he’s talking about.

A good question @Everyman. There was a 10 year long study of volcanic activity completed in 2019 to try and estimate exactly this point. There is a nature article somewhere that I can dig up if you like. The result was that our best estimate (which could be updated with new data in the future, of course) is that total CO2 release from volcanoes around the world contributes about 1% of the CO2 of human activities.



Based on … ?

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In general, based on years of scientists debunking his every word, usually at great time and effort… Monckton should be ditched as any kind of reliable source

Specifically to this thread, his article on the hockey stick has been proved wrong by many independent groups of scientists doing many studies with different data sources and all showing the same hockey stick graph. Monckton has nothing to say about that, choosing to ignore the data in favour of his own biases.

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I strongly disagree with this. When an org who people trust are SILENT on a certain issue which falls in their area of expertise, that means that issue is NOT IMPORTANT.

For example, when Amnesty International ignores crimes against humanity.

When the ‘paper of record’ ignores recorded facts which implicate the wrong people.

If you have a trusted doctor to whom you go for your annual physical who SEES, KNOWS and IGNORES evidence of a growing tumor in your lungs is that SILENCE to your benefit? You trust the doctor so you don’t go elsewhere to understand why that dry cough has not gone away.

Media Lens do not ignore science. They scream about ‘science’ constantly. Scream, yes, it’s a constant scream. But then, oddly, they are silent when the science is used to confine people to their homes, prevent them from working, force them to accept a medical procedure they don’t want.

Media Lens are guilty of a horrible crime against their readers. They should be given ZERO credibility. ZERO. They participated, via their silence, in an exercise of mass enslavement and mass experimentation and mass murder. People are dying from Astrazeneca, that’s a fact.

They know the role of silence in mass media accounts of reality, they know better than most. Yet, they were silent. They, along with Chomsky, Caitlin Johnstone and others are criminals, in terms of their readers. Really, they are criminals. Their silence is a criminal silence. They should be tried as criminals in the court of liberation activism.

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On the subject of Monckton, I used to follow a blog back in the day called “Deltoid” (some old time mlmb folk might recognise it) and his ideas would get a thorough going over on that site pretty frequently. I did a quick look (for old times’ sake) and came across this link from a different blog. It’s amusing, and undoubtedly partisan, but the paper it refers to us quite real and easily accessible. Apparently Monckton (as of a dozen years ago) was the most scientifically debunked professional climate change denier of them all.

This is a flavour of the crap he has spouted over the years, and the efforts that knowledgeable folk have gone to to try and correct him.

More on the hockey stick (and there’s plenty more and more recent work in that subject for those who are interested)

And finally, here are a bunch more claims from Monckton that turned out to be plain wrong

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