Worth considering, E, that we’ve all been taking a considerable beating from severe pollutive disasters since before I was born. For example, it now seems that the ‘miracle vaccination cure for polio’ actually rode to Nobelity on the tail of a growing realisation that dousing everyone and everything in DDT and arsenic compounds wasn’t a good idea, and needed to stop. Ergo, it was a partial cessation of mass-poisoning, together with steadily-improving living conditions for the general public, rather than a highly iffy vaccine, that defeated the disease.
What I’m suggesting is that, right here and now, we are already a grossly weakened population, in many parts of the world, because of a longish period of assault with a whole toxic soup of poisons, so it’s hardly surprising if there’s a tendency to mass illness. Now add in general microwave assault, as a further stressor…
Then on top, add in the development and wilful releasing of novel pathogens; something which - once the curtains of denial are torn down - is obviously what’s been going on in the ultra-secretive ‘defence’ labs.
What these pathogens may be, exactly, isn’t clear. But, simply by trial and error - the engineer’s rather than the theoretician’s approach - whatever may be the actual biological process going on, ‘viral’ infection, or something quite other, still, the mengeles have bodged-up, just by tinkering with masses of victim mice, guinea-pigs, ferrets, monkeys and so on, an arsenal of promising killer soups, which do what they envisage in the way of inducing mass illnesses, practically speaking, even if their theoretical explanation of it is in disarray.
Denis Rancourt (boo, hiss! ) is interesting on this idea. He postulates that technological prowess, as distinct from strictly-conjectural worldview theories such as big-bang or viruses, has little to do with theoreticians and much more to do with tinkerers/inventors: practical, mucky-handed people who invent workable technologies simply by trial and error, guided more by intuition than anything - “Let’s just give this a try” - and without much use of theoretics at all. Practical applied serendipity, you might say…
Hindsight may tell us eventually that it was just such a dog’s-breakfast of confusion which nevertheless handed us, in practical terms, this weird two and a bit years of alleged pandemic, when in reality no-one anywhere - no-one at all - currently has a complete theoretical explanation of what happened, and how: the cock-up theory of history.
We can by now be pretty confident, though, that some sort of criminal conspiracy was part of the confusion-mix: some coterie of crooks conspired to foist the covid ‘pandemic’ on us all, however confused their understanding of virus theory might be. The labs had obviously stumbled on some pathogenic agent, fit for a global ‘health emergency’ scam, even if they had no adequate theoretical foundation on which to ground it.
That’s what the labs are for, after all. They must have stumbled on some interesting discoveries, during their time.