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It Really Doesn't Matter

The Great Taking is discussed here

I was skeptical about some of this but rather a lot less after watching the film (bottom of the thread). The free eBook (PDF) I haven’t tackled yet either.

Cremola: The Great Taking: How the Banksters Plan to Steal Everything From Everyone

I ordered a hard copy from lulu, paid for one and received 2. There’s some kind of message in there somewhere but damned if I know what it is. Not read it (them!) yet but looks good!

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I’ve found their stuff to be good quality, but I guess it’s useful to have a spare. The Simon Elder books came from lulu, for example, albeit a bit slow to arrive. Other print on demand stuff does seem prone to being too tightly bound.

(This was originally a Defender piece, came out in December)
UN Launches Gates-Funded Global Digital ID Program as Experts Warn of ‘Totalitarian Nightmare’

One critic called the campaign “a totalitarian nightmare” designed to “onboard” small countries with “digital ID, digital wallets, digital lawmaking, digital voting and more.”

The article links to this excellent video:

Watch this Kitco News segment on the ‘50-in-5’ campaign:

In the video, guest Seumas Bruner has written an in-depth book ‘Controligarchs’. Presenter Michelle Maroki has just read the book, and does a good job in the steering and summarising.

If you want one take home message I’d say the links show how the concepts Digital ID, Central bank Digital Currency and Social Credit system connect. The AI revolution will be key.
(Spoiler alert … look away now!)

(Too late… :slightly_smiling_face:) AI will cause mass job and career losses. People with commitments will have little choice but to demand a Universal Basic Income; which will be conceded, you’ll just need your digital ID. Which is linking to that central bank digital currency. Almost at a stroke, people will be dependent on the system, which has been openly planning for exactly that. From there it’s only a short step to Resistance is Futile.

If you watch the video you get the idea that this is all stuff that will, as things stand, readily happen.


Che Noir, Divine Knowledge

An OG gave some advice the other day, he was like
“Never give a nigga the power to feed you 'cause when you give him the power to feed you/That’s when you give him the power to starve you”

Wasn’t sure where to put this. Not going to have time to read it myself either


The radiative forcing of carbon dioxide (CO2) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) has a rich spatial structure and has implications for large-scale climate changes, such as poleward energy transport and tropical circulation change. Beyond the TOA, additional CO2 increases downwelling longwave at the surface, and this change in flux is the surface CO2 forcing. Here we thoroughly evaluate the spatiotemporal variation of the instantaneous, longwave CO2 radiative forcing at both the TOA and surface. The instantaneous forcing is calculated with a radiative transfer model using ERA5 reanalysis fields. Multivariate regression models show that the broadband forcing at the TOA and surface are well predicted by local temperatures, humidity, and cloud radiative effects. The difference between the TOA and surface forcing, the atmospheric forcing, can be either positive or negative and is mostly controlled by the column water vapor, with little explicit dependence on the surface temperature. The role of local variables on the TOA forcing is also assessed by partitioning the change in radiative flux to the component emitted by the surface versus that emitted by the atmosphere. In cold, dry regions, the surface and atmospheric contribution partially cancel out, leading to locally weak or even negative TOA forcing. In contrast, in the warm, moist regions, the surface and atmospheric components strengthen each other, resulting in overall larger TOA forcing (continues)