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HAS the sars-cov2 virus really been isolated yet? No unanimity

Does it even exist? WTF is going on! As far as mere lay-persons sitting at their keyboards are concerned, this doesn’t look like a clearly-decided question. Personally, I have no idea what the truth really is. At this website, we’re all familiar with the - obviously-correct - idea that lying public-perception-manipulation by various factions of axe-grinders has reached pandemic (to coin a phrase) levels in our time. Open-minded-scepticism and waitandsee seem the only intellectually-meticulous postures possible. There may well be a new horrid virus; it may well be killing people in excess of normal rates, but howTF do we know? There does seem to be a respiratory illness about, which responds handily to several different practical treatments - without vaccines - but what is it? Considering that the WEF/BellenderGatesoid factions of crooked chancer parasites have been discussing and waiting for an opportunity of this kind for some years, could the whole covid thing be nothing more that a propaganda confection to further their dream-schemes?

Living serenely with absolute uncertainty is such a tricky posture, innit? :slight_smile:

Just some things I found on this subject:

Published papers of teams that have successfully isolated the virus (including with electron microscope pics)

References from the very article linked above shows a further 2 groups have isolated the virus

These are all independent teams in different countries coming to the same conclusions, and showing similar pictures. In addition the full genome has been sequenced multiple times in all these different countries and shown to be identical.

If even 1 of these teams (and there are definitely other teams that I haven’t listed here) is correct, then the virus has been isolated.


Incidentally, here is another example of why I find the off-g reporting on a lot of this unhelpful.

Consider this quotation from the linked piece:

When scientists from the US CDC “infected” various cells with the novel virus they noted the following:

We examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549) [lung celles], human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T), in addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 [monkey cells]…No cytopathic effect was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells [monkey cells]…HUH7.0 and 293T cells showed only modest viral replication and A549 cells [human lung tissue cells] were incompatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

The CDC did not observe any CPE in human cells. They saw no evidence that this alleged virus caused any human illness. Nor did this supposed human virus show any notable replication in human cells, suggesting human to human infection would be impossible.

That seems damning, right? But what does the original paper just cited say, immediately following the piece quoted?

No cytopathic effect was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells which grew to >107 PFU at 24 hours post infection. In contrast, both HUH7.0 and 293T cells showed only modest viral replication and A549 cells were incompatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection. These results are consistent with previous susceptibility findings for SARS-CoV and suggest other common culture systems including MDCK, HeLa, HEP-2, MRC-5 cells, and embryonated eggs are unlikely to support SARS-CoV-2 replication (1416). In addition, SARS-CoV-2 failed to replicate in the bat EFK3B cells which are susceptible to MERS-CoV. Together, the results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 maintain a similar profile to SARS-CoV in terms of susceptible cell lines.

(emphasis added)

In other words, contrary to what the off-g article implies, these scientists were not surprised by what they found, rather it was exactly what they were expecting to find. It adds evidence to the fact that SARS-CoV-2 indeed behaves very similarly, and is closely related to, SARS-COV.
