5 Filters

EU drafts plan to label gas and nuclear investments as green

To send the decaying matter back through a hole in space-time…


I guess we’re drifting off-topic from the 5 filters here… or are we?

Weird the way our confidence in these memories wilts slowly, unless periodically reinforced. Psi-avoidance is a deep-set urge in absolutely everyone, it seems. For some reason, close encounters with unmistakable psi really shake us up…

The “I didn’t [couldn’t have] see[n] that” phenomenon is presumably intrinsic to memories persisting or decaying? Families regularly revisit, and embroider incidents in their shared history, for example, to the extent that people who were’t direct witnesses might have a real memory of the fabled incident. As if such a thing exists… Each person’s ‘reality’ of what happened is unique.

So Perez de Cuellar [et al] could collectively witness (or be abducted during) a demonstration of alien technology near the Brooklyn Bridge in 1989, but then deny it, and that’s as False a Memory as some Orcadian orphan “imagining” a Witchy Ritual. One is a memory that is decayed, the other (allegedly) created.

And that’s a form of self-hypnosis: and like a propaganda trick we play upon ourselves, no?

Or, ok, it’s off-topic lol

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Not really off-topic, K. We’re groping here through the contrary currents and floating mist-patches of a global paradigm-shift, I think. Probably going to take a reincarnation or two to get to the other end. Our grappling with all our current problems, such as this green versus ‘green’ conundrum, is part of it all. Wilful forgetting/false-memorying of non-ordinary incidents is endemic in the more upsetting outliers of human experience. We just have to be aware of it, and not let it get Tricksterish. That leads us into endless Willothewisp swamps of silliness, if we let it. Light, humorous sobriety is essential at all times, as don Juan exhorts.

G - you sound to me like the classic apprentice shaman, getting the customary peremptory call from Spirit to embark on the shamanic vocation, and being prodded periodically with illness and ill-luck, to make you accept your fate: the ‘Wounded Healer’ syndrome… Tough situation. Don’t despair, though. You have to keep sluggin’. As don Juan Matus told Castaneda - so Castaneda says - volunteers aren’t welcome in the world of the sorcerer (but the marked ones have to do as requested, eventually. Spirit won’t take no for an answer). Always interested to hear your adventures in the non-ordinary, bro.


Exactly how Tom Campbell’s Big TOE puts it, K: each Individuated Unit Of Consciousness (aka immortal soul) gets its own individually-tailored, unique information-feed from the Larger Consciousness System, aka Big Mind (of which each soul is a non-detached outgrowth), in our shared holodeck experience, during each incarnation; and we each interpret our feed uniquely. And free will is an inherently-necessary part of the equation… :laughing:

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Such experiences would make a good topic for the “spirituality” category, I may start one by detailing my “Aladdin Sane” experience, very much the point too, one may have heard the term the “banality of evil” that I feel is apt with regard to our current “anti-cultural” problems, which are characterised by the lowest common denominator politics of the a**e end of the Industrial Revolution. “There is more in Heaven and Earth Horatio” and although the prospect of opening ourselves to the influence of a greater Universal perspective is frightening, humanity will simply cease to evolve (and therefore become extinct), if we do not, who knows what our end will be what is sure, however, is that “all is impermanence” and a stubborn unwillingness to change is antithetical to the evolutionary process.

Quote; "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (1963). Instead, he performed evil deeds without evil intentions, a fact connected to his ‘thoughtlessness’, a disengagement from the reality of his evil acts. Eichmann ‘never realised what he was doing’ due to an ‘inability… to think from the standpoint of somebody else’. Lacking this particular cognitive ability, he ‘commit[ted] crimes under circumstances that made it well-nigh impossible for him to know or to feel that he [was] doing wrong’.

Arendt dubbed these collective characteristics of Eichmann ‘the banality of evil’: he was not inherently evil, but merely shallow and clueless, a ‘joiner’, in the words of one contemporary interpreter of Arendt’s thesis: he was a man who drifted into the Nazi Party, in search of purpose and direction, not out of deep ideological belief. In Arendt’s telling, Eichmann reminds us of the protagonist in Albert Camus’s novel The Stranger (1942), who randomly and casually kills a man, but then afterwards feels no remorse. There was no particular intention or obvious evil motive: the deed just ‘happened’.

This wasn’t Arendt’s first, somewhat superficial impression of Eichmann. Even 10 years after his trial in Israel, she wrote in 1971:

I was struck by the manifest shallowness in the doer [ie Eichmann] which made it impossible to trace the uncontestable evil of his deeds to any deeper level of roots or motives. The deeds were monstrous, but the doer – at least the very effective one now on trial – was quite ordinary, commonplace, and neither demonic nor monstrous." https://aeon.co/ideas/what-did-hannah-arendt-really-mean-by-the-banality-of-evil

*Hannah Arendt to my mind the greatest female political/moral philosopher of the twentieth century.

"Quote; ""Hannah Arendt takes the proverbial expression of “the pursuit of happiness” in the United States Declaration of Independence - where pursuing “happiness” is considered an “inalienable right” - and offers a public reading of it, a reading that expands that happiness to include the freedom to participate in the public life. The revolutionary spirit must translate into the institutionalised forms of that public happiness. Public happiness is definitive to Arendt’s very conception of politics.

Extending Thomas Jefferson’s ideals, Arendt argues;

“If the ultimate end of revolution was freedom and the constitution of a public space where freedom could appear, then… no one could be called happy without his share of public happiness, that no one could be called free without his experience in public freedom, and that no one could be called happy or free without participating, and having a share, in public power.”" Go to: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2012/06/20126187529252770.html
for full article.

“This is why Jefferson advocated the ward system so strongly—it would have allowed every citizen to participate in the governance of the state, and thus, to be able to actually pursue public happiness. Today, not only is the “pursuit of happiness” understood exclusively as the pursuit of private happiness, but we have also forgotten the origins and the spirit of the American Revolution. That phoenix was reborn once from the ashes of the Dark Ages, and perhaps, as long as there are great minds like those of Arendt left to conceptualize and pursue it, will be reborn again.” Go to: http://fadeyev.net/public-happiness/
for full article.

…and this from, “The Atlantic”,

Quote; “Conservatives argue that the American Revolution exalted the individual. Certainly, the colonists didn’t want the British Crown telling them what to do. But the Revolution wasn’t just about getting the government out of people’s lives so the Founders could pursue their private desires.
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had nice houses. They could have enjoyed contented private lives. But it was not just about their property. *They believed that you attained happiness, not merely through the goods you accumulated, or in your private life, but through the good that you did in public. People were happy when they controlled their destiny, when their voice was heard, when they participated in public events, when the government did not do things to them, or even for them, but with them.**” Go to: The Pursuit of Happiness: What the Founders Meant—And Didn't - The Atlantic for full article.

*Italics mine Ed.

"Public Happiness"

All three of the articles above touch on the rumoured conspiracy that, “The pursuit of happiness”, the phrase that appears in The Declaration of Independence that is held in the National Archives Museum in Washington, was not the phraseology that appeared in a preceding, and original, document (signed by possibly more -or the same number-, of the Founding Fathers than the other). Arendt would I think agree that as the upshot of “The American Revolution” was to see the instigation of, “perpetual war” between the republic and democracy and if, “by their works shall ye now them” it would not be surprising to discover that an earlier more egalitarian drafting of The Declaration existed. The notion that the learned elders were incapable of explicating from both the British and (at that time burgeoning), French revolutions a more egalitarian (and enlightened), conception of social well-being and social order seems most errant nonsense and is given no credence by the correspondence quoted in my previous post warning Washington of the influence of Illuminati, “free-marketeers” within the American Lodges. This “preceding document” to which I refer is supposed to have contained the phrase; “the pursuit of public happiness” rather than the shorter apparently more individualistic but nevertheless subject-less (and therefore meaningless?), one that appears on the version that is extant, it has also been suggested that Washington and others were responsible for secreting the original document away from the centres of power and beyond-the-gaze of those who wanted its destruction. That we now see how America continually, “makes its war on its children” should also give credence to the notion that The New World never did truly sever its links with the old and simply substituted a dictatorial republican hierarchy for a monarchical one, that these same republicans should have been relying so heavily on our queen in order to maintain the status quo and further their own social- Darwinist agenda in recent years also suggests that the full story of The American Revolution (and how it is not yet over), has been deliberately kept from the American people." https://www.arafel.co.uk/2018/02/part-2-washingtonpost.html


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Great stuff. The mundane “managers” of evil are emphatically our enemies, and it is their competence and efficiency we should fear. If they made mistakes, admitted them, and learned, that would be fine. That’s how we meander through life. But they arrogantly insist, as leaders, that they are special. They regard leading as directing, never consulting, ** applying the models taught at business schools and Common Purpose courses which claim life the universe and everything can be regularised.

Its precisely the point @RhisiartGwilym has made here many times about our technocratic overlords. Everything starts with some assumptions that prop up the framework, and very soon those become “facts”. If we’re not very careful electric cars, solar farms and all the other New Green trinkets will unquestioningly become Good and everything else Bad.

Why can’t UK homes continue to be heated with gas fired boilers, for example? So the gas can be used to generate power to run the heat pumps will likely turn out to be the case.

** The new word is “engagement”. It means explaining what your plans are. When mere followers flag up problems with the plans those are “noted”. The plans proceed anyway. Three years later the super new model is replaced with another. Chaos magick.


Chaos, sure; magick? Well grey-shading-to-black, without any settled intent, perhaps?

We’re all inherently psi-onic beings, so prone to unintended magic, if we don’t watch ourselves: An unfortunate consequence of living in a culture which has trashed and thrown away all the accumulated traditional shamano-social doctrine on how to relate soundly to the psi-aspect of reality.

Nah “reality” period…gewgaws and ghaflah…“disposable” items…the legacy of the Industrial Revolution…it’s inevitable wars, the damage roars on through the generations…humanity simply consumes itself…

Er - que?

The unreality is the consumer society…the unsustainable resource destruction…


Chaos magick can inter alia consist of framing reality the way you want the bewitched to see it. It’s a wide field, and one-pointedness of mind is foundational. Its by no means white/black. Meditative jhana and various Tantric/Vajrayana practises are a part of the “portfolio”. In my view these involve rather too much striving to become. True chaos magick is emergent, opportunistic, not so much conspiratorial.

So I think my closing rimshot was more accurate than perhaps perceived.

Any influential figure with power can redefine organisational culture, change the guiding mission, and select a managerial layer that implements this.

The two problems I could have elucidated better are (1) the tendency for pesky reality to undermine the spell/technic/restructure or whatever euphemism the CEO, Vice Chancellor, or President has deployed, and (2) the tendency, often linked to (1), for the esteemed leader to shuffle the deck, redefine the language and/or replace some stratae of minions, again, at regular intervals. This has been the NHS for decades now.

This occult art has generated a profession-in-itself e.g. https://uk.linkedin.com/in/peter-pentecost-1a8baa10

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