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Covid misinformation & social media content moderation

So having read through the paper I think it does a decent job of highlighting the complexity around gatekeeping, especially when one is relying on an algorithm to determine the truthfulness of a claim. It’s bloody complicated!

They do also mention some of the very points that I mentioned - masks, HCQ etc - but their take is that the scientific bodies (like the WHO or CDC) change their advice when the science changes. I don’t think that’s true. For the mask issue we already know that the advice changed because officials were worried there would be a shortage, not because they thought it wasn’t helpful. And the HCQ issue is just bizarre.

Several scientists have raised concerns that the usual careful process of peer-review has been badly compromised in the rush to get papers published. The effect had been to publicise results that are simply not correct, which had a knock-on effect of damaging trust in the experts (exacerbating an already bad problem).

It seems to me that the whole way science is currently organised is not fit for purpose for a rapidly evolving and potentially very dangerous public emergency. I think there is the potential for a lot of learning here about what a more robust approach might look like.

Thanks again for this thought provoking article. Loads to think about and discuss going forward.



Hi JMC nice to see you here.
Gets right to the nub of the matter. What you suggest (flagging up as ‘controversial’ rather than deleting) might be better than what we end up with, the way things are going - but this would also imply that genuine public discourse has such has largely given up the ghost, or is choosing salvage mode to stave off full oblivion.

The article is written from a fixed viewpoint; that official sources are reliable and safe, while other views are misleading, false and harmful. A system of elevation vs negatively flagging as controversial, based on preconceived idea of the source, would create and perpetuate a crudely loaded system of public discussion. It’s a system we already have in most media-controlled discourse; so the question really is should the private system replace the public one.

The ‘controversy’ attached to alternative views usually arises from the reaction to them; ie shouting down, smearing (as extreme, or by lizard-type references) or suppression. This is in direct contrast to the supposed aim of public discourse. Rather than being related to truth (as PP notes), the reason for the reaction is often that the alternative views can not be combatted by argument, reason or science because the existing ‘reliable’ evidence is somewhere between biased and largely or even wholly bogus; and that any reasonable airing of the true nature of the allegedly ‘reliable evidence’ would be too revealing of this state of affairs. I would also agree with PP that the successful burying of the early hydroxychloroquine treatement by bogus corporate ‘science’ is a prime example.

That public and mainstream discourse is both minded and numerically empowered to start from such a loaded position (which is a bit like putting alternative views in stocks and chains) shows that the domination of dialogue by vested interests in ‘science’ has existed for a long time previously. This has led to unjustified levels of public trust in official science and a belief that if people work in, or represent ‘science’ that their actions and beliefs are necessarily logical or scientific and not subject to sway by professional and peer group pressure (pressure which according to this belief should not exist anyway).

While the debate goes on about ‘harmful views’, attention is deflected from the corporate influence on what is sold as ‘science’ and ‘scientific discourse’, which is the real problem. It always has been - but when doctors during a pandemic are being shut down en masse for pointing to evidence of beneficial treatments, and unproven remedies are being foisted on the population, the situation regarding the appropriation of (now) public discourse by corporate and political interests has become urgent.

A relevant aside (I didn’t know where to put this but it’s also worth pointing out); the severity of the Covid-19 epidemic has been much higher in the same countries who control or dominate the ‘science’ - rich western democracies, who have much higher Covid-19 death rates than less affluent countries, for whom pharmaceutical companies making money out of the crisis wasn’t an option and who by and large got on with ordinary treatments. By the looks of things, the actions of the governments most keen to suppress dissent have led to more deaths than the virus itself. I realize this is a very big issue on its own and needs its own discussion, but relevant I think. Just to illustrate the point: a couple of months back I calculated that two thirds of the world Covid-19 deaths came from countries totalling 7% of the world population. These included the US, UK, France, Spain - countries that should be listening more than pronouncing, but who were instead dominating western discourse on Covid-19.


Damn me Walter, it’s a pleasure to watch you develop a detailed argument without having to wade through lines of shrieking harpies crying you down!. More always welcome

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Thanks Rhis, yeah feels much more conducive.
Devil’s likely in the detail… :slight_smile:

“Horns man horns!” Posted this to the Lifeboat…https://www.facebook.com/MantraMuz/videos/10224820547721459 Muz is well worth viewing on this…he may get blocked eventually…

“rich western democracies, who have much higher Covid-19 death rates than less affluent countries” Got to carry the “Dollar/Pound” with them…hence all the foot dragging and “clumsy” mismanagement in the UK and US…the more cases, the more deaths the more compliant the population…applied eugenics…

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It is interesting, is it not, how lucky sub-saharan Africa has fared so far… Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.

Hello Gerard, good bro! Nice to see you here. Thanks for this. She says it concisely. Personally, I will never accept any of this franken-tech for myself or any creature for whom I’m responsible. It stinks, very obviously.

BTW, what does “horns, man, horns!” mean?

What he said. :grin:

Whey-he-e-ey Twirl! Good to see you posting again, old bad-penny! :slightly_smiling_face:

The CIA tokl Google to put all of admin’s e-mails in Spam - the bastards! I only saw them this evening. (I don’t go to Gmail much.)

I like the new home.

Hey Twirlip! Welcome to the board :smiley:

a bit late to read this thread, but have to comment on your remark. It is more than interesting, in fact it is revelatory in two ways. 1 that the virus has not had an impact in these countries outside S Africa (where is Margo btw?), which could be simply because noone has tested the poor and non urban, or it could perhaps more likely be that the virus has gone through some proportion of the population with hardly any impact, because the pop is young, suffers from other far more serious threats, and even takes HCQ against Malaria. and 2 That the MSM hasn’t noticed!! When did you last see a report about the virus in Mali, or Botswana, or Congo, or even Nigeria, where it was observed back in March in an article in the LRB that people in slums could not “lock-down” like the middle classes and so would have to take their chances. No-one ever bothered to look and see what happened, except now in India where suddenly they find that over 50% of slum dwellers have had the virus - or have antibodies at least.
Raoult was born in Senegal, and has many contacts still there and in other local countries, and his advocacy for cheap and available drugs has a lot to do with that I think.

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Hey David

Yes, I would really like to see some proper studies coming from the countries you name. As usual, not that much money to be made from public health efforts in Africa, so not that much interest.

What I hear from family living in Tanzania (which never locked down and really just didn’t pay a lot of attention to the whole thing) there is no appreciable fear, no obvious excess mortality and no large scale public health emergency.

It’s not clear why that should be, or perhaps due to lack of active surveillance this picture is not even correct (it’s all anecdotal after all) but there could be many reasons at play, some of which you identify already.

If there was a new plague spreading through TZ, my feeling is that folks would know. They certainly did know when AIDS came to visit…


On the Devil in the details!

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Haha! I like that. I might pinch it :slight_smile:

Maybe I can add an issue to this topic which - perhaps - fits here; though if Admin can see a more appropriate subject slot, do go for it! :slight_smile:

I’ve been wondering for some time just what is the real reason for the proliferation of bio ‘defence’ laboratories all over the world, especially anywhere where the Anglozionist empire has its claws in, such as Georgia, for example. One obvious - lavishly unstated - purpose is to produce offensive bio-weapons. But a few straws in the wind over time have suggested another purpose too, concerning population control - popularly shrieked as 'aaaagh! eugenics! aaaaagh! of course, by all who are hypersensitive to the idea that we are in the midst of an absolutely unsustainable population ramp.

I’ve always insisted that recognising the ecologically-obvious, sober fact that we are in such a ramp-up absolutely doesn’t mean that we who see it are necessarily eugenicist. But some may well be. And my surmise is that for them, bio-warfare has always looked like a promising way to cut global human population effectively, all the while hiding behind the ‘innocent’ assertion that these pandemics are just Nature doing what it does - which is also true, of course, as it happens; a perfect smokescreen excuse.

Of particular interest is the way some operators in the bio-war field - particularly US/zionistan - have apparently been searching for ways not just to create potentially genocidal, gain-of-function pandemic-causing pathogens, but have been looking also for ways to target people of specific ethnic groups; to be able to wipe out or wipe down drastically people of particular ethnicities. There are dribs and drabs of evidence that this sunken ice-berg is really there, just below the surface of public realisation.

Seems to me that the obvious axe-grinding by the powers that shouldn’t be around the current covid-panic has opened a lot more minds to being able to contemplate such grim ideas, without jerking out the crimestop spell-word ‘cospithirry!’, and walking swiftly away from any further discussion of such deeply discomfiting ideas

This speculation should gain ground, if we understand, just by watching human society with coldly-open eyes, that the demonic side of human psychology is well capable of such villainies. The gics too are capable of understanding that our current population overshoot has to come down one way or another, the Gaian way, or by human agency. It seems clear that our angelic side isn’t going to be able to bring about a humane reduction of numbers. So that leaves the other two options: Gaia’s way, or the ultimately-criminal gics’ way. Wouldn’t put it past the Bellender Gatesoids, to name just one lot; and without doubt there are other such cliques…

Not happy posting this stuff to TLN …!

Edit: hi GKH, just made a tiny edit to put the different links on different lines with some space around them. It shows the links a little better. Hope that’s ok! Admin

Fine…check out the Twitter post it has a different (and more recent), Dr. O’Shea video on it…