Lots of thoughtful stuff there. What might qualify as a non-lethal weapon? “sanctions” are, essentially, “starving your citizens”. Cyberwarfare that knocks out a power station would hamper the supply chain of civilians and military alike. Bombing an oil depot does the same. I don’t really know the answer but a widespread belief that the world can support all our needs would certainly disarm the destructive thoughts that fuel hatred and ultimately fuel the missiles too. So so difficult not to be swept along.
Hi @Kieran_Telo , I guess this stuff was sold to the Russians as the ideal answer but like the covid jab turned out to be poison for at least 15% of the innocents:
- as you say it’s not easy but no-one appears interested in even researching it except in the limited local police actions and even here non-lethal often creeps effortlessly to life changing and lethal.
Exactly, CJ. The problem you outline is an absolute sod!
My personal fall-back hope, though, is always the multi-lifetime long-haul towards a slowly-evolved improvement.
I think that ‘we’ - that’s to say the immortal-soul essence of us - re-incarnate serially, in pursuit of the Great Purpose of constantly reducing entropy. (Sic! )
This odd imperative is imposed on all thinking entities simply by the basic - entropy-inclined - nature of reality, which threatens permanently to reduce all of us and all creation progressively into a state of total white-noise disorganisation.
For that background reason, I see what we do, in this virtual-reality holodeck where we play multi-player games between each death-and-rebirth, as a long, slow evolutionary process requiring multiple lifetimes.
The bugger of it all is another basic condition which is also apparently inherent in the nature of reality: In that, for any of this epic story that I’m sketching here to work, absolute free will has to be an inherent element in the body/ego avatars which our souls run during each incarnation. They - or rather we, the souls, their operators - have to be able to choose freely what we do, including the whole deluge of deeply unwise ‘bad’ things…
Lacking that in-built condition of sovereign free will, the whole enterprise of the Great Purpose of Big Mind - of which each of we individuated souls are all still-connected outgrowths - would fall flat; so it seems.
Big Mind, faced with the inherent ever-present slow slide towards absolute entropy - the white-noise-ing of everything - is obliged always to drive things towards low entropy, simply to go on existing as an organised, mind-based, self-aware entity. Awareness-entities, once they have appeared and evolved by pure, random accidents in the endless hiss of white noise, don’t want their organised being to die and fall apart again.
As Tom Campbell points out, a less desiccated, more humane way to characterise this process of working perennially at lowering inherent entropy is to think of it as “growing towards love”.
According to this Campbellian vision, that’s why we’re here: Each of we “Individuated Units Of Consciousness” - aka immortal souls - are in the nature of special organs of Big Mind, exactly analogous to the special-purpose organs of our (virtual! ) physical bodies. We too serve vital, life-support purposes: driving down entropy by growing towards love. That’s why we come to the holodeck: to take part in this elaborate anti-entropy game.
And all around us, other IUOCs/immortal-souls also take part in the dance; hosts of us making lamentable mis-steps as we go, because - with free will - we can.
Yet I do believe that the whole bloody dance is indeed evolving, with near-intolerable slowness, towards the good: ten steps forward, nine bleedin’ steps back…!
I sympathise with your anguished turmoil about it all, CJ, especially when we’re in the thick of one of our repeated addictive bad-choice festivals, aka war.
Hi @RhisiartGwilym , it’s strange to look around the world and witness so much extreme inhumanity and at the same time realise that according to some esoteric beliefs all of humanity have reincarnated over eons just to reach the base level of humanity. To move beyond this base state to higher levels of existence requires us to make the right decisions, think the right thoughts and take the right actions in this less than enlightened state. Taking the wrong moral path is so easily done and yet could be literally a soul-destroying step!
Well, not exactly soul destroying, I think. But definitely a demotion: “Hm, didn’t do that too well, did you? You do agree, don’t you? There, there, take it easy. No blame here. Just see it clearly and do the necessary. Better go back and have another try, no? Some bad karma to amend…”
You just keep going round the Wheel of Rebirth (you can see why the buddhists aim to escape it altogether!) until you do a better job, and evolve into another upgrade…
Hi @RhisiartGwilym , I’ve clearly been exposed to a more pessimistic school of thought where some thoroughly evil characters have been labelled ‘empty houses”- that is people so far involuted as to be devoid of that essence capable of rebirth!
Quite frankly, the results of this ‘poll’ just reinforces my view that polls like this are total bullshit. First of all, nobody has been 'vaccinated’ok. The so called mRNA jab is an experimental concoction and in no shape or form constitutes a true vaccine which will actually prevent a disease.
My experience as Chairman of a committee some years ago taught me that if you ask at a meeting for an opinion on a motion, you will get multiple arguments and mostly crap opinions.
Never trust a poll company to produce a balanced result.
0Questions. Who are the subjects of these stupid polls, young? old?middle-aged? Men or women?, vaxxed or unvaxxed? Come on people demand some answers otherwise ‘poll’
results are totally meaningless.