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COVID Boosters Trigger Metastasis

The 8 minute video in G’s post below covers most of what you are saying here:



Thanks, I have yet to open that thread… on my way now :wink:

More on these boosters, this post by the sound-seeming blog ‘amidwesterndoctor’, triggered by the announcement that the FDA wants to move to ANNUAL booster shots.
I read somewhere that this also removed immunity for the maufacturers outwith the Emergency Use Authorisation (which has done a great job so far of protecting Pharma and its investors).


"Given that existing evidence now shows that:

•More COVID-19 vaccines over time result in reduced immunity to COVID-19 for the individual (best shown below by the Cleveland Clinic’s study of 51011 people):…"

This graph seems to show quite clearly that More Boosters equated to More Covid’.
As is explained in the blog this is from the Cleveland Study.
Link here to the full text of the study so you can see the graph.

If you just look at the abstract you might just see this:

Summary Among 51011 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster was 30% effective in preventing infection, during the time when the virus strains dominant in the community were represented in the vaccine.”

which doesn 't have the same ring somehow, though below 50% is not encouraging for a vaccine.

This whole post is worth a quick read. Here’s one quote I thought was telling:

“Opening the market for mRNA therapies and permanently establishing another annually required vaccination for all Americans could provide so much future income to the medical industry so it was a foregone conclusion that anything which threatened this outcome would be targeted by every one of our institutions.”


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