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Climate scientists have determined, and both sides agree, that the warming effect of each molecule of CO2 decreases significantly (logarithmically) as its concentration increases

So you are saying that we should completely ignore the January 2025 fall in temperature to levels in January 2024 and January2016 and February 1998 at at a time when hundreds of billions of tons of CO2 were added to the atmosphere!

No-one of course has established any provable direct link between CO2 in the atmosphere and surface temperatures as there are far too many other factors affecting earth temperatures - including ocean currents and cloud cover - the point that William Happer et al are making ( this is not my saturation point ) is that they have shown that there are falls in the impact from CO2 on the atmosphere due to an ever increasing rise in the concentration of CO2.
It is interesting that none of your links tell us by how many degrees centrigrade the surface temperature will increase by and when - it’s guesswork.

It is also interesting that your Royal Society link said this :
“Different gases absorb energy at different wavelengths. CO2 has its strongest heat-trapping band centred at a wavelength of 15 micrometres (millionths of a metre), with wings that spread out a few micrometres on either side. There are also many weaker absorption bands. As CO2 concentrations increase, the absorption at the centre of the strong band is already so intense that it plays little role in causing additional warming. However, more energy is absorbed in the weaker bands and in the wings of the strong band, causing the surface and lower atmosphere to warm further.”

  • so the CO2 impact is continued because there is no decrease in the absorption of energy in the wings - which are a few micrometres or a few millionths of an inch wide over the whole of our atmosphere! Is it any wonder that Kees de Lange, professor emeritus of molecular physics and Guus Berkhout, professor emeritus of geophysics state :

"Note from the above frequency spectrum that broadening of the CO2-absorption area if the CO2-concentration is increased from 400 ppm to 800 ppm is negligible. Unrealistic CO2-scenarios are needed to realize a broadening as shown in the cartoon in the video.

Finally a word of caution. The correlation between the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and the warming of Earth’s surface is scanty at best. Even in the recent past (Roman Warm Period, Middle Age Warm Period, Little Ice Age), when CO2 was never an issue, temperature variations were at least as strong as what is observed today since humans started burning fossil fuels. This is not surprising. The heat capacity of the atmosphere is small compared to that of the oceans that make up 70% of Earth’s surface. The real heat engines that dominate heat transfer on the planet are not radiative transfer, but ocean currents, and the gigantic atmospheric heat engine represented by the well-known Hadley cells. The complexity of the climate system is not to be underestimated.

In conclusion, we are pleased that Dr. Hossenfelder’s excellent video confirms that the effects of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases are very small and highly saturated. This does not support the message that the world is in a climate crisis."
[Some comments on the Sabine Hossenfelder video - Clintel]


Where do the authors mention the IPCC and their models?

Fossil fuel shills! - we are talking here about renowned scientists that have never been shown to be shills for anyone. Having principles on climate science that coincide with some principles of corporations does not make them shills for the corporations. We have to be very careful here in avoiding libel!


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Ah yes. The Grand Solar Minimum. Has anyone wondered why “Global Warming”, has morphed into “Climate Change”? Well, if we are getting cooler, it’s not exactly reasonable to call it warming! :joy: :joy: :joy:

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