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Chomsky and me, engaging in the public debate about mandating covid jabs

Thanks Rippon! That was quite an exchange.

Chomsky’s main point was that the vaccines ‘obviously’ work. And since they work, responsible people should get vaxxed.

I wonder what are his basic sources that ‘overwhelmingly prove’ that the ‘vaccines work’? And is this evidence not based on PCR tests?

Rhis, I think his written response shows a mind NOT in its dotage. We should postulate something about very very basic assumptions: trust in the professional medical/scientific class, a representation of the process of infections, a clear dislike of the USA 'deplorables" in the Idaho etc, the latter is a theme in fact of Chomsky’s, he loves to ridiculte the ‘people who don’t believe in evolution, evangelicals’ etc

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Also illuminating is the extreme righteous, moralistic and accusatory tone Chomsky adopts here: agree with me or you are responsible for killing people, as a replacement for real dialogue.

From Chomsy’s point of view there is nothing to question about the entire psy op, there is an expert based explanation for everything.

Not that he said this, but I assume it’s one of his responses, when people say ‘BigPharma profits’ he can just respond, ‘yes, of course they are taking advante of a situation’, but not that they are creating and driving a situation, that would be ‘conspiracy theory’. That’s the basic ‘left’ response these days when you point out that the left is in bed with BigPharma, Tony Blair, the WEF, centsorship, quarantine camps, oppressive cops, etc: Of course you DUMMY! POWER ALWAYS TAKES ADVANTAGE OF A SITUATION.

This could be a connection with the left refusal to countenance the CIA killing Kennedy or the Mossad/CIA whacking the twin towers: the response of the state just proves they take advantage of every situation, not that they ‘DID’ it.

But logically, if they know they can benefit from a false flag, why not do it? Thus Covid may be the mother of all false flags…

So now that in fact the vaccines seem to be NOT working they must add ad hoc explanations, because the paradigm is being negated. And Chomsky, to Expressive Egg, says: they ARE working, we just didn’t lock down soon enough and long enough!

or something to that effect.